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If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"


edited 2011-03-20 15:34:14 in Wonderful posts
Fetishes themselves don't bug me. It's how people react to them. I see posts online that basically say "WTF? How can people be turned on by croquet/ghosts/knees/vodka/etc.? They have serious problems!" and "What's the world coming to when _____ is a common turn-on?"

It's the internet age, people. I can accept this kind of behavior from young teens, but other people probably have experience with strange sexual practices. I'm sure most people have a kink or turn-on that other people would find odd.

By the way, this isn't from personal experience, as I have no kinks/fetishes. (and if I did, would I tell you?)

/stupid meta-joke


  • So, who will play Matrix?
  • I dunno. Who was Matrix?

    Also, we could turn this into a thread about Fetishes, but that probably breaks the ToS.
  • More importantly, you could easily do that in TV Tro...oh right.
  • edited 2011-03-20 15:50:10
    Because you never know what you might see.
    Matrix is a Canadian linguistics enthusiast who likes cats and cute things, and was at one point known mainly for talking about his fetishes (most infamously pee and incest) everywhere.  He's matured a lot since and stopped talking about his fetishes all the time, but I haven't seen him around lately.

    He derailed the TV Tropes Fetishes thread a few posts in by posting a massive list of his fetishes, and so a megathread was born.

    Edit: Looks like he's still around.  I guess I haven't been reading the same threads he's posted in recently.
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:35:45

  • WTF? How can people be turned on by croquet/ghosts/knees/vodka/etc.?
  • edited 2011-03-20 16:19:09
    Didn't you already tell us that you have a medical daiper fetish?
  • Diaper Fetishism is distinct from medial fetishism. But yes, I do. The term for me would be "Diaper Lover" or "DL" for short.

    There are also Adult Babies ("ABs")--the scientific term is "Paraphilliac Infantalism--, who don't necessarily fetishize diapers, but enjoy dressing up and acting like babies. I am one too, making me an AB/DL.

    Note that these have nothing to do with Pedophillia, and to say such is extremely offensive to us. We are not child-fuckers living out our fucked-up fantasies--most AB's do not have sex while acting as babies, as it's not a babyish thing at all--we are simply people with an odd kink. We ostracize and ban any child molesters found in our ranks. They will not be tolerated under any condition.

  • edited 2011-03-20 16:22:04
    Yay! Another chance to pimp my fetishes!

    In no particular order *drumroll*:

  • a little muffled
    The medical thing was a reference to the original Fetishes thread.
  • edited 2011-03-20 16:24:02
    ^^^ I don't care one way or another about your diaper fetishism and your acting like a baby fetishism.

    The fact that you have these abbreviations for it and constantly use the first-person plural and say "in our ranks," however, disturbs me greatly.
  • It's a diaper army, they are vicious and not afraid to resort to biological warfare.
  • Personally, I found the "we ban child molesters" part kinda funny. Like what, if they find out you're a child molester, they're gonna take away your right to be turned on by acting like a baby?
  • There's also the fact that it follows directly from the "We don't have sex while pretending to be babies" sentence.  Which makes me imagine that these people don't just act like babies, but rather actually transform into babies temporarily.

    Which, if so, is awesome and I want to learn your secrets so I can use a similar technique to turn into a loli.
  • DYRE:....What? DL's and AB's are simply people with similar kinks, so we cinsider ourselves a collective. Like how Otaku consider themselves a collective. We're not a Hive Mind.

    And people are naturally prone to making abbreviations. You can see this on TvTropes: TT, YF, IJBM/IJAM, OTC, FG....
  • Please don't turn the Westermarck Effect, a psychological function, into morality. It is one of my Berserk Buttons.


    Ugh, I feel dirty.

  • (My Ipod does not like it when I try to edit)

    Anyway, DYRE, we simply mentally become babies. Never done it myself, but I hear it's like mentally regressing yourself to a infantile mindstate temporarily. Which does sound kinda creepy...
  • Nyah~! I'm a kitteh!
  • edited 2011-03-20 16:33:20
    Because you never know what you might see.
    You're being mean. Matrix hasn't acted like that in ages. :/
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > diaper army

  • @Chagen:  Now I think the whole thing is just some weird supervillain's plot to take over the world by making everyone turn into babies mentally so that they can't resist his attempts to, well, take over the world.
  • But this is a historical reconstruction!
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    There was a brainwashing children subplot in Kiddy Grade.  It only lasted one episode though.

    That show would have benefitted from more coherence.
  • DYRE:...That's probably the plot of some supervillian out there.

    But we're mostly harmless. Most of us seem to prefer being stealthy and hidden--we'd never throw a pride parade--, I know I would prefer it to remain underground. I don't think we'll ever gain wide mainstream acceptance.
  • Kichigai birthday!!



  • edited 2011-09-18 21:51:55
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • Kichigai birthday!!

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    TTGL: Gee, with all these drills, it sure is boring around here.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    MAH BOI, piercing the heavens is what this drill strives for!
  • Ah, Deeker, a true disgrace to us. Let it be known that us AB/DL's disagree on almost everything, but we are united on a utter hatred of Deeker. His name is sin to us. A lot of our sites wordfilter it, and even saying his name will cause others to be disgusted at your Heresy. Do not speak it. It is profane.

    (this is slightly exxagerated)
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