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That feel when you watch something sweet and feel empty afterwards

edited 2012-04-19 23:47:41 in Meatspace

Snowclone and actual topic.

It's strange, somehow. I usually get it with MLP:FIM (usually whatever season 2 episodes don't upset me, at least).


  • I used to get this with MLP:FIM when I first started watching it, but not so much anymore.

    Nowadays I usually get it from bittersweet fanfiction...

  • If I am allowed to ask, what do you mean by "feel empty afterwards?" Is it because you realize that the realities of life are not quite so sweet?

  • ...yes. Pathetic, I know.

  • Oh, that...yeah, I do get that from MLP:FIM sometimes, sure.

  • Anonus,

    Nah, I would not consider that pathetic. Better to be disappointed because things are not as pleasant as you wish they were than to hope everything turns all angsty and dystopian I guess. 

    That being said, I feel like the emotion you described is kind of par for the course with any kind of escapism, whether it be TV shows, comics, video games, or books.

  • ^ Agreed. And you can't live your life in a fantasy world, by definition.

    Well, some people try, but it usually makes their actual life worse.

  • Well I guess too many sweets can cause diarrhea and that would make you feel empty.

  • Sometimes I worry I let the escapism go too far.

    Mainly because I occasionally find myself fantasizing about being an MLP pony...

  • Look at the soulbonders and the otherkin and bask in the knowledge that you're not that bad.

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