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Colds. Fucking. Suck.

edited 2011-03-30 20:45:59 in Meatspace
No rainbow star
I am miserable and have likely hacked up enough mucus already to make a pair of new lungs

I haven't, but it feels like I have

Anyways, yeah. Colds. Fucking. Suck.

Oh, and my cold made me sneeze out of my throat instead of my nose. You know how much it HURTS to SNEEZE out of your THROAT!? It hurts. A LOT!


  • Worse: getting one during an exam.
  • No rainbow star
  • I can sympathize. Allergies suck, especially since mine tend to make me sneeze so hard I'm amazed I don't get whiplash. 
  • Oh my goodness, sneezing from my throat is the worst thing ever. Stuff like that and sore throats worry me doubly as I am a singer :p
  • Have you gotten to the part where you start vomiting up wads of mucus and blood because you can't eat?
  • No rainbow star
    Deboss: I have yet to be unable to eat

    But currently sleep seems impossible

    What the post would look like if I was talking:

    De*COUGHCOUGH*boss: *spit mucus out* I have ye*HACK*t *spit out mucus* to be un*COUGHHACKWHEEZE* unable to *Choke up mucus* eat

    But *nearly vomit up mucus* currently *spit out mucus* sle*COUGH*ep seems *spit out mucus COUGHHACKWHEEZE spit out mucus* impossible *COUGHHACKWHEEZE*
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