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I Keep My Visions To Myself (aka Dreams thread)



  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    someone always brought a SNES to play.
    people do sometimes put out piles of hardware and other sundry items for "Reuse"

    This is exactly what I'd expect from MIT.

    Last night I had a dream involving an evil vampire catboy who was terrorizing my IRL school campus. I can't remember much but it involved a discussion of the cutest male professors (some real, some not), where a (dream-exclusive) friend of mine got bit on the shoulder by a tiny cat. I immediately freaked out and told somebody to call 911 as said friend turned into a cat?

    I knew he was going to go wild in a moment so I chucked him in a bag and rushed out to where I knew a minivan was waiting for us. When I got there and rushed in I noticed the driver was missing so I looked out the window and saw that the vampire catboy had transformed the driver into one of his vampire bretheren.

    Even as I was dreaming I only felt mildly terrified, so I don't think it was a nightmare? I've even considered it being too "normal" for it to be a nightmare.

    I should start up my dream diary again.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I was honored by my city for something, and one among like 24 or 32 people to be honored. To accommodate all the honored guests, the presentation was on a stage with a small set of bleachers, with us being called up one by one. I ended up taking my seat where I thought it was at the time but apparently it might have been one row too high. However, there was someone sitting in the seat the row below me. My mom might have complained that I should have moved that guy out of that seat because my higher seat made me look like I was less honored than I should have been.

    Also there was apparently some questionably racist label on the seat I picked. I forget what it actually said though.

    Later, I was discussing something about a longtime Nintendo executive with someone online. It was some American, a white guy with a mustache and beard, whose name I don't remember, but might have been like "Mark Law" or something. The question was whether he was a game developer himself. I ended up looking him up on Wikipedia and finding it out that he did develop some games way back in the day, and assisted with getting some early Nintendo projects finished.

    Also, I ran into some information in some sort of trivia-like format (like a "did you know this?" type of video) about how one of Super Mario 64's levels is an obvious beta because there's some sort of normally-invisible set of reference blocks in every level, and most of them are very close to the actual level content in virtual 3D space, but for this one level (one of the mountain levels I think?), the actual level content is much farther away, while there's actually some unused level content (in terms of coded-in platforms and such) that's much closer to the reference blocks.

    Finally, I was at home, and got up, snuck downstairs, ate a chunk of sausage, then snuck back into bed, thinking my mom didn't notice me sneaking downstairs, even though I made a lot of creaking noises while sneaking up the stairs.
  • edited 2019-03-27 04:45:29
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was at some sort of aquarium but only for animals that hang out around the shores, like sea-lions and otters. Except most of these animals weren't normal; there was a "tiger-shark" but it was actually a walrus with tiger colors and a tiger face and another sort of seal thing with a stoic middle-aged man's head.

    Then my group left the aquarium area and headed towards a loft type building where we rushed to the roof. On the roof was a contest where we were each supposed to pick an outfit from the many racks available and create our ultimate DJ look and runway walk to a specific song.

    I picked out this typical tropical vibes vector shirt (imagine https://img.freepik.com/free-vector/tropical-background_52683-5632.jpg?size=626&ext=jpg"]this) with shades of green, blue, yellow and pink and a draped silk black sleeveless coverup with bejeweled accents on the shoulder bits. I then went to grab a pair of white overalls with pockets everywhere and somebody else grabbed them at the same time as me, though they eventually relented.

    I then went to the runway section, which was blocked off from the dress-up area by some sort of wall. I gave my DJ name as (please don't judge me) "DJ 10B/One-Oh-B aka Butters" and walked the runway.

    When I woke up I felt like I could have coordinated a little better (I never found out who won the contest).
  • edited 2019-03-27 17:11:04
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I had a dream involving (1) finding some old image files that UE put on his web server, one of which apparently indicated a crossover between Chrono Trigger and some other game, with "Lucca's mom's house" being a location in-game and two other things that might be visual representations of piano roll scores for Crono's and Frog's themes (with Crono represented by a fairy for no apparent reason), and (2) going to a restaurant in a strip mall, which had an outdoor seating area in front of it, which is normally separated from the outer walkway and parking lot by a row of palm trees, but for some reason the restaurant added a translucent shower curtain type of material between the trees and the outdoor seating area. I was seated at the leftmost table looking outward from the restaurant, and my back was next to a wall, and I turned my head left to look at the curtain and the parking lot. This strip mall is presumably one in a slightly older part of south Florida (e.g. built in the 70s or 80s), with its off-orange stucco siding.
  • edited 2019-04-05 14:33:39
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was in this massive mansion in the middle of nowhere, very inspired by "Transylvanian" type imagery. Somewhere in the mountains, isolated from the world, on top of a massive hill. The lighting was the same too; middle of the night, a mix of a purple crimson hue and what seemed to be permanent lightning bolts outside the windows.

    The windows themselves were tall with very high arches, and the building had checkerboard tiling throughout.

    I don't remember much about the first half of the dream, but I do know that I had almost been killed by some sort of monstrous human being. He wasn't a monster, but he had superhuman abilities and not in the good sort of way. They were the sort you got by forming contracts with very very bad djinn and such.

    I was then found by a woman, who explained to me that that man had made explicit contracts with the djinn of this castle who were basically chaotic neutral beings that had no purpose aside from bonding with people and possibly messing stuff up. She'd rescued me just as she was about to form a similar sort of contract.

    I, at this point afraid and angry for being so unable to defend myself, agreed to enter into the same sort of contracts. For this part we had to both be wearing 90s edgelord leather, so I went to change.

    The dream then changed POVs. I was now the woman waiting for "me" to get changed, and I had prepared some sort of concoction to help complete the ritual. Basically it was gray porridge that tasted really bland and was already stale despite just being made, so she kept adding sweet flavored essences to the mix to help it go down because that was allowed (usually fantasy settings don't allow messing with the recipe, I think).

    Just as she finished downing her share, the dream kind of jumped (most likely I just don't remember) and switched back to my POV. I decided not to accept her concoction after all and I went around the house starting fires to destroy the djinn, most prominently under a free-standing clothing rack*.

    The woman agreed to my plan, but then at the last second our taxi driver came and as the fire was engulfing the mansion the wooden doors were burning, and we were afraid (or I guess my brain suddenly realized) that the monstrous man's djinn would not die in the fire along with the rest of them and the taxi driver would be the next victim, so suddenly we started trying to stop the fire just for long enough to make sure we'd trapped the djinn guy somewhere he couldn't escape.

    *This part is weird because IRL I also have an IRL open clothing rack that I sometimes put an open-flamed scented candle next to and I regularly worry about it starting a fire. Since having this dream I feel I should probably stop.
  • For some reason I never thought about downing concoctions with something else.

    So there was this MMORPG, I don't remember much of it except that it was in a post-apocalyptic setting and the players were large humanoid monsters. Anyhows it was a huge deal, so much so that most people in dream-real-life played and things like the police department had their own guilds for their members.

    In another dream (or that same dream later) I was by a multi-level parking lot and turns out there was a cosplay convention involving Touhou, I saw large groups of participants cosplaying very beliably as Sanae and Hina (maybe including having anime-style proportions or being drawn, can't remember), I was trying to hide my power level at first but then I didn't.

    Finally, I was half asleep (but not aware of it I think) and I was the leader of a secret cabal and I was imparting my knowledge to my pupils so we could build a better world (I had just read A Connecticut Yankee in King's Arthur's Court), and the better my speeping position, the better work I did. I slept really well.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I feel like "dreaming about a big MMO that is so big it's basically every description of an MMO from an anime" is way more of a level-reveal spell that recognizing Touhous. Maybe.

    This MMO in particular sounds like dotHack, actually, if only because there was a knights guild in that set-up by former employees of CC Corp who sort of acted like the police of that world.

    A secret cabal that does good things is a first for me.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I had the most expansive dream last night, but I can't remember much of it now. It had lots of different parts, but the main part was set in this big shopping mall that was at least 260 floors high. Though it was billed as a 'shopping mall' it was also a residential area, which I guess might be inspired by The Thousandth Floor series.

    The first part of the dream involved me and a few friends of mine being in a classroom, trying to prove that we had superpowers because we were trying to infiltrate some secretive system inside the mall thing. We weren't inside the mall at this point yet. We were facing the front of the classroom, but whoever was interviewing us was behind us.

    So I proved I had some sort of power (but I've forgotten it now) and one of my friends, a girl named Rina (who was not an anime character, or even Japanese, I think) had the power to predict the future, and she quickly told the group that our interviewers intended to shoot us all down, so we had to duck quickly.

    After this we somehow ended up in the mall tower on the 260th floor. Though we were on the "260th floor", it was more like the standard mall set up where the building was set up on the sides and if you looked down from the edge towards the middle you could see a few of the lower floors, but only a few. I think it was up to the 254th floor, and everything under there was closed off. On the 255th there was a school, some government offices and a bunch of other residential things.

    The 260th floor was set up like a high street with a few two-storey apartment buildings scattered here and there. I asked somebody, maybe Rina, if there were children who had been born in this building who hadn't ever gone out and she told me she'd met a few six and seven year olds earlier who asked her what the outside world was like.

    In another part of the dream, I was walking along the corridors of a food court floor, and some of the employees were in a serious discussion about how they may have accidentally entered indentured servitude by agreeing to jobs here. I got the sense that they weren't allowed to leave the floor, let alone the building, but I didn't approach them to ask directly.

    Another part of the dream, an important one, took place in the fancy study of somebody who lived on the 100th floor in an old Southern U.S. type mansion, but I don't remember much of it.

    It may have been the lead in to the dungeon crawling part of the dream, where I went to explore a floor that seemed sort of like the food court floor but with a different set up. First of all I talked to a woman at an equipment stand, but I didn't buy anything. Then I set off on a grid, like a 3D version of the Mystery Dungeon series, and explored some of the floor.

    Most of the grid was textured linoleum tiles, indicating that you could have a random encounter on them, and I understood that the random encounters in this area were practically impossible. Every now and then there was a smooth series of tiles, and these were areas where random encounters couldn't happen. I remember noticing that these were few and far between.

    I came to a mysterious side-corridor, where I found a raised platform that led to a magical ice-vent. Somebody, not me, explained that these were places where you were meant to use smaller party members. However, it was early in the game, so if a smaller party member, who was weaker than an average sized one, got into a random encounter, they'd most certainly perish. This was made worse by the fact that since it was early in the game, I didn't have any small party members, and even if I did they would be too low-leveled to handle it.

    So I cast a spell instead, and it revealed a trap door under me. I feel several stories into an underground cave area, but I don't remember what happened next.

    The last thing I remember is being outside, inside a car, on a massive balcony. I and two friends (no Rina this time, they were both guys) were playing a video game on a Playstation Portable (but like, not an actual PSP). I got out of the car, bid them goodbye and walked towards a some vending machines. I stopped at one to examine it, before noticing that I was on the balcony of the food court level.

    I feel like there's a lot of cool stuff that I forgot <_<
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    That sounds like a super-neat dream.

    A few days ago I had a dream that involved me being on a cruise ship, and various parts were just me wandering around the ship, and noticing how high the bread was piled up in the buffet aisles (for some reason it was piled up so high it almost touched the lights above the trays.

    Another interesting thing was that they actually kept the lights off during even darker times of the day, leaving natural lighting to light a lot of the place such as hallways and dining rooms. I liked that.

    The most interesting thing about this, though, is that we were apparently in a harbor area and going very, very fast -- like, speedboat fast, turning and weaving around what was like some sort of marine dogfight spectacle being conducted with fireworks. We had gotten a cabin room that afforded a particularly exciting front-row seat to a good amount of this action.
  • edited 2019-04-15 16:39:15
    I was watching a film that was like Groundhog Day except involving different people one at a time, one guy's day (maybe they weren't literal days) would involve someone getting killed, and then the next day it'd involve a related person back in time, with the knowledge of what happened.

    I can't remember the first day except that it involved guy A killing guy B.

    The second day guy B is trying to kill guy A before he kills him, my character C is accompanying him. We do stuff that I can't remember and B finally gets the opportunity to kill A stealthily at a mall, so he does. Afterwards we're hanging around acting normal when suddenly guy D shoots and kills an important diplomat at an open doors gathering with important people in the mall and then makes use of the ruckus to find and kill B, D runs away and I'm left to assume he's killed.

    The next day starts with some backstory from D, he's a fundamentalist preacher who was angered about the world's depravity and whatever it is that we did during guy B's day pushed him over the edge into murderous insanity. D was aware of what would happen if he killed B and the diplomat, but he intended to do it again anyways, and so B and I intended to stop him (we were aware too). By the time of the murders we had arranged things so that the diplomat would sit at a position that's harder for D to shoot him, he shoots the diplomat anyways but fails to kill him (the other important people didn't seem to mind), D searches for B but fails to find him and instead tries to flee.

    D is found by two guys (maybe B and I, can't remember) and one tries to fling him off an escalator, but D uses the escalator's handles to land properly and keeps running off to his $220 000 racecar. Eventually he passes through some poorly maintained, one-lane highway that also serves as railroad, it also had concrete barriers so it was perfect for some deadly accident to happen. The car malfunctions and stops, we leave it (for some reason there were a bunch of people in the car, including my new character) but D was very attached to his expensive racecar so refuses to leave, we try to figure out how to move the car away before a train runs over it. There was a switch nearby that may or may not have caused a train to pass through.

    I was thinking that eventually a train would come by and D would refuse to get off his car, get run over and the film would continue in another person's day, but then I woke up.

    I'm noticing a lot of our dreams tend to take places in malls.
    I saw large groups of participants cosplaying very beliably as Sanae

    Also the first thing I noticed was her hair ornament (different from the actual one), but didn't think anything at all about the green hair.
  • edited 2019-04-15 16:30:40
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Cool movie.
    I'm noticing a lot of our dreams tend to take places in malls.

    are we all secret shopping addicts
    We had gotten a cabin room that afforded a particularly exciting front-row seat to a good amount of this action.

    This sounds really interesting.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I and a friend were watching Camp Rock 3 (which is not a movie that exists) and I wasn't very pleased with it. It had a lot of modern pop music and I was not impressed at all, and I thought all of the dance sequences were poor compared to the Camp Rock 2, amongst the other, many comparisons I made to Camp Rock 2.

    The stage sets were all much darker than you'd expect from a Disney Channel movie, with golden lighting that made it look very mature, if kitsch.

    Then we met Doctor Who on some sunny, snowy alps. She was explaining some sort of book-based device. It wasn't really a book, it was more like a plastic toy in the shape of a book like you'd get in a toku series. After she was done, she just got back into the TARDIS and left.

    So we used a jewel on the book (all very plastic toy looking stuff) and travelled back in time to... dinosaur times! However, we didn't spend very much time interacting with dinosaurs because we were chasing some sort of time thief.

    Whilst going through the many jagged, bare valleys we came across a vaguely modern settlement with styling right out of 1950s office building design. I knew this was a facility set up by some racist/sexist/homophobic/you get it community that had traveled back in time in order to live like they did in the "good old days" (my dreaming self is not very subtle, it seems). Though my friend wanted to stop and give them a piece of his mind, I couldn't really be bothered by it, so we kept trucking on.

    Then we somehow ended up in a line in a grocery store and up at the counter there was a book, about us and our time-traveling adventures. We had a good laugh about it, and then I woke up.
  • Wait, who was your friend in this?
  • edited 2019-04-22 16:16:54
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    It was actually you, but it felt weird to mention it since we've never met in real life and everything.

    Why do you ask, anyways?
  • The sudden mention of "we" in the third paragraph suggesting there was someone besides you and the Doctor just stood out.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I mean I guess the only thing that doesn't make it super obvious is the lack of J.K.Rowling flying by in a housecoat shouting out something that doesn't fit with current Harry Potter canon.
  • edited 2019-04-22 17:32:14
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I was in a city but the layout of the city's roads and walkways and such were all very chaotic, frequently dead-ending in patches of poorly-maintained grass. For some reason, I surmised this was because the people here could fly, and since I couldn't fly, I deduced that I was in an isekai situation. It was daytime but cloudy.

    I later walked into a school building, something that seemed like it was built in the 50s or earlier but maintained to working condition, and walked into a classroom and participated in a class. (This class seemed like something from my memories of grade-school classes.) The classroom consisted of a few desks scattered around, and class was in session already, I'm not sure what they were doing but when I took my seat another student berated me from across the room, and I knocked off some post-it stickies from a wall, and the teacher told me to pick them up. Most of the people in this class were next door in a darker room having some sort of party. It was daylight outside, a sunny day.
  • I remember years ago I dreamed I woke up from a coma and a bunch of at-the-time IJBM regulars (can't remember exactly who) were there at the hospital with me.

    It was nice.
  • edited 2019-04-23 17:51:25
    I deduced that I was in an isekai situation.

    but did you also become king arthur

  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I deduced that I was in an isekai situation.

    Was it a "mysterious book whisked you away" sort or a "got hit by a truck" sort.
    a bunch of at-the-time IJBM regulars

    A while ago I was thinking about like, how individual everybody I know is, but it made me feel really wistful since a bunch of people I really liked have drifted away from here.

    But I mean there were also people who were the opposite and at the very least none of those people are here anymore either.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I deduced that I was in an isekai situation.

    Was it a "mysterious book whisked you away" sort or a "got hit by a truck" sort.
    Neither; no backstory was presented. I simply happened to be in a world other than my own.
  • edited 2019-04-30 17:02:14
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    First, I was playing Metroid Prime 3 (something I've never done in real life). I was in a room with orange-ish but textured walls, and I shot four statues flanking a doorway to pick up some purple gems and orbs. (NB: Gems are not a normal pickup in Metroid games.)

    Going through that door I was in a mostly dark room, with a metallic platform, and after a few moments I was treated to a picturesque action still of Samus pointing her arm cannon at Ridley's mouth while Ridley was preparing to fire his mouth laser at Samus.

    Later in the game(?), I boarded a train. I was in an indoor station, lit, but the train was moving and it was completely empty, like a ghost train or something. It was sorta old-fashioned-looking, and I went from coach car to coach car, they were actually pretty short-ish cars and open-air, with off-white seat cushions.

    I rode on this train for a while, and eventually I was outdoors, and the train was going at a much higher speed, it was a sunny day, and we were plowing through a crowd of medieval soldiers in chainmail and grey metal helmets and red uniforms all fighting along this bridge. Apparently the train was going to be used bypass this entire battle and make its way into a city, and so I got wind that some soldiers were going to shut the gate into the city in order to cause the train to crash into the gate, so I had to quickly jump off the train. I did, along with some other people, onto some grass at the side of the tracks, overlooking the city. When we saw a thick cloud of smoke from the collision approaching us we started running.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    and we were plowing through a crowd of medieval soldiers in chainmail


    I don't remember much about my dream about last night, but it involved me and a few friends (random people?) trying to defend ourselves against a group of three crazed young adults in an apartment building. I do remember that we managed to pull it off by threatening them with a metal chair and a few hammers.
  • edited 2019-05-30 16:53:47
    So I was with another no-longer-active IJBMer (who I don't know if I should mention in this context) and another in-dream friend, we were in the near future and there was this seldom-used building from some factory yard with a leaking gas pipe visible from a nearby window, and we (mostly just me) had the idea to set it on fire to look at the results, we would be returning to our original time so it would be fine (I was aware this is was one of those things were there's only one, malleable timeline), provided we *foreshadows* could make the phone call home to bring us back in time.

    So during a time nobody was in the building we set the pipe on fire and after some time it reaches the leak and immediately engulfs the piping surrounding the building on fire, it was too close to us to safely use our phones, so we have to run away first, it took a while but we found a path to escape and for some reason we spread out. First I pass through factory/building things and then I reach main town, it was nice and quiet and seemed like it had just been painted.

    I had the idea to throw some mud at a Romanian castle there, some non-descript temple (it was brown, windowless with curved surfaces and two tall spikes at the back) and my old home, not out of malice but I thought it would be funny, so I throw mud at the castle but in the far distance a guy in marathonist gear sees me and begins running towards me, I figure he knows I caused the fire so I try to flee but he's an athlete and I'm very slow when running away in dreams so he reaches me, but then in a friendly tone he asks if I'm fine, if I've heard of the fire and if I'm running away in panic and so on. Then I woke up.

    Apparently I'm a crazy prankster in my dreams. Also I wonder if there's a real-life religion with temples like that that I apparently hate unconsciously. (Edit: Apparently it's the Empire from Dark Reign but brown and not sci-fi. I still unconsciously hate Romanians though.)
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    This sounds like a Logan Paul video.

    And Fate/Apocrypha (at least the hyper-specific "Why is there so much implicit Romanian hate?" sense).
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was watching Descendants 3 (probably because this just came out) and the first part was kind of fun I think, like Uma's powers were 'leaking' or something. This presented itself as her sweating really profusely. Hades brought her to Mal in Auradon where they were supposed to save her somehow.

    I don't remember what happened after that but then after watching it for a while I decided it had gotten really dull and I was really disappointed (why does this keep happening?).

    So I left the movie theatre (???, the Descendants is a TV movie series) and headed out to the parking lot where a miniature human crew of Cirque du Soleil circus dancers/jumpers were performing from car to car? The minituarization magic (or whatever) on the guy on one end wore off just as he was jumping to a car window and he was just kind of like, a normal sized man again wearing a ridiculous black greenscreen type skintight outfit with just his face showing.

    He got up and kind of ran off and for some reason I knew he was Tarzan?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Was in a school. I needed to get to class, but there was some sort of police investigation in the way. I saw a nearby piano. It was across from a faraway piano. I thought about playing the piano, like someone had just been doing, but decided against it as it might interfere with the policework.

    Later, I saw a turtle and a lizard (both fairly sizeable, like over a foot long each) fighting on the third-floor windowsill of some building with stone walls. I separated the two, brought the turtle back outside and let it go in a stream (which was a semi-artificial stream that ran through/beneath the campus of whatever this was; it appeared more like an amusement park at times), and adopted the lizard as a pet.

    This reminds me of this one time in another dream where I walked down a long path toward a densely shaded forest path.
  • edited 2019-06-08 05:43:59
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    and adopted the lizard as a pet.

    Gotta catch em'! It's you and me~

    I had a big one last night.

    I was in the alps, skiing with... Wincent Weiss and Körner? No, seriously! Then we headed out to a small cabin to hang out and we all sang a bit of Liebe niemals out in nothing but our boxers outside in the freezing cold air (I should mention that, in this part of the dream, 'I' was a tall white German guy).

    Then the dream transitioned to me walking through a really dark city, late at night. I was thinking about how it's great to be in a city, and how much I liked cities for... some reason I can no longer remember. Then I walked into a dark building with glass windows in the front and lots of big wide corridors. It was sort of like a gated community, but inside a single building, and with lots of amenities.

    One of them was a hospital, where I was meant to be visiting someone (for some reason in this part of the dream I was me again). I wasn't allowed to go in to see whoever I was visiting yet, so without any prompting I just went into the waiting/family room. In the middle of the room was a pile of toys, all still in box, none of which exist in real life.

    I remember this part strangely vividly; whilst there were lots of other toys I'd have been more interested in checking out, I kind of gravitated towards this one big box. It was completely transparent, and was like a rectangle with the top-right and bottom-left sides cut out to form triangular shapes. Inside was one of those robot cat toys. I didn't really care for it, I just really liked the packaging.

    I don't know if I actually was going to take it (I mean, it was clearly donations for sick kids so I hope not?) but then a (dream exclusive) family friend of mine named Abigail jokingly told me to drop it before it was too late as she came in the room. I did and so we went over to sit on one of the candy-coloured sofas on the other side of the room.

    I think we must have fallen asleep (in the dream!) because the next thing I remember was that it was morning, and there were hot air balloons flying in the sky outside the window (outside the building gated community too, I mean). The room had also filled up, mostly with people we knew (including another dream exclusive friend, Britney).

    Then a set of parents came in, I don't think they were my parents (like, even so they'd be dream exclusive my parents because they clearly weren't my parents), but they were a pair I saw as authority figures, and they explained that two of our close friends (they didn't mention any names) were in a serious condition in the hospital, having been hurt in an accident.

    Suddenly, I knew who I was visiting (though like I also didn't know who exactly they were, but I have a feeling it was Wincent Weiss and Körner) and that they'd been hurt in a hot air ballooning incident and I was actually there at the time. However, none of us were allowed to be doing anything of the sort, because in this universe hot air ballooning had like a 50% injury/death rate.

    The parents left to go talk to the doctors some more, and Abigail and Britney sort of confirmed what I'd thought. That the three of us (me and maybe Wincent Weiss and Körner) had gone on some adventure and I was the only one who came back, and it was hours after the other two. They promised not to tell anyone, and we hugged in that annoying (but cute) TV way. Then I looked out the window and saw another hot air balloon having collapsed in on itself, slowly floating down whilst half on fire.

    This dream actually had a bit of a thing I'd noticed in Andi Mack before; where the protagonist is called Andi, her best friends are called Buffy and Cyrus, her mother called is Bex and her grandmother on this side is called Celia, and her father is Bowie and her grandmother on this side is called Cookie. My friends were Abigail and Britney, and my name* starts with a C.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was with my dad in some sort of toy store, where I saw some Hairdorables dolls in a side-aisle. I wasn't going to get any, and my dad was super confused by the whole concept of them (they're blind-packaged so you don't know who you're getting), except I could actually see through the blind-packaging some how. I've always wanted Royal Bella, so I was glad to find her there and so we left.

    Then I went to another store, and this was a school supply store? Not in the sense that it sold school stuff exclusively, but it was on the edge of the campus of this very open-ended campus. Like, the whole campus was made up of fields that alternated between being grassy and dusty, and every building was only one level high.

    Here, I ran into somebody I'm sure I know in real life, but I can't remember who. He was acting suspicious in store so I reported him, and there was like, a whole tribunal of store judges who carried out a trial on him. However, he escaped before they could hand down the verdict?

    From that moment I had a feeling that he had a (dream exclusive) friend on campus who was out to get me, but I had to stay in a house on campus so there wasn't much I could do about it. Of course, said friend showed up, all tall and menacing, to my front door. There was another person in the house with me, but I didn't know his name or anything.

    Anyways, we ended up running around trying to not get caught until the police arrived and took one guy's friend away.
  • The real Cirque du Soleil is fun to watch, a miniaturized version in an everyday-life setting would be doubly so.

    Also I wonder if there's a name for that thing where, while one is running away from someone/something in dreams, one tends to be slow and slip overly often.

    Anyhows, I've had several noteworthy dreams recently:

    In the first dream I needed to know how Cell was defeated in Dragon Ball Z went to some sort of TV theater inside a small shed and selected to watch one of the episodes. The events took place in (dream) real life inside the shed, with Vegeta and Cell fighting while saying stuff, as in the actual show, though I think Cell had Frieza's body and he was called Majin Boo once. Also I knew that was not the episode in which Cell was defeated. At some point Vegeta spawns a bunch of bees, not superpowerful bees or anything but they managed to hinder Cell anyways, so Vegeta has the upper hand but then Cell says a "this isn't even my final form"-style line before the dream ended.

    There was a lot more to that dream that I can't remember about why I was looking up episodes, I think I was working on some media project.

    I had another dream about the oddly specific theme of committing time-travelling arson for funsies. This time I was Makoto from The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and during an university exam I (somehow) sneaked out, set a room on fire and went back to finish the exam, knowing that I could go back in time if things go awry. Most of the rest of the dream was about the police investigation, I don't remember it well but I remember a part where they were considering subjects on the basis of how well our pants would look during a fire, where worse meant more suspect, I bragged about my sweatpants with a loose "cover" (likely based on my irl sweatpants with double layering whose outer layering is tearing off badly) that in this universe looked good so they stopped suspecting me.

    There was also something about university clubs corresponding to MtG factions and maybe something about Fire Emblem.

    As for the final dream I was at the auto-repair shop I used to work at irl but this time it was more like participating in a shop contest where the teams were assembled in open areas around a street (not unlike close to home, come to think of it) were supposed to do... something, not always involving repairing.

    My role was to run around helping the mechanics in whatever they needed, tell them what they needed to know, find and bring them tools/materials they could use, etc., not too unlike my rl work there as a clerk/assistant except more hectic. Also the outskirts of the contest area were residential areas that seemed like they came from Overwatch and there could be useful things there that I looked for at least once. Also there was a panel where one could do Civilization-style research from a research tree for upgrades.

    In the end there were two teams remaining, ours and a team of boxers identical to Rocky's blonde rival (or whatever he is, I haven't watched the films). Physically beating a team counts as eliminating them so they were going to beat us up. I face one of them as they approach us and overpowered him surprisingly easily, slamming him against the floor twice so hard I was worried I may have killed him. He was taken to the hospital. I beat another one as easily but deliberately less badly and then I sit out letting the rest of the team face the remaining ones, prepared to join in if they needed me. We didn't know if I "leveled-up" during the contest or if they weren't as tought as they seemed so we didn't know if they actually needed me.

    Then I woke up.
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