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How angry I am today

edited 2011-04-03 21:21:52 in Meatspace
I'm not sure what it is or what's causing it, but for some reason, I can't help but be pissed. No one's done anything to me, I haven't been exposed to anything particularly enraging and I'm not on my period, but despite that, I can't help but be angry for no reason. Every little thing is making it worse, even if I don't have much of a problem with it or wouldn't have a problem with it normally. Every other post I see is making me want to bash the poster's skull in, I want to break every fragile object I see around the house, and it took much more effort then it should have to keep myself from tossing a gallon of orange juice across the room. I'm trying to calm myself down and it's helping a bit, but in the long run, it's not doing much. I even had to turn off my TV because it was giving me a headache. In addition, I'm feeling really violent / destructive. I just want to ruin something, anything. Something's wrong with me.


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