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I overreact to critisism.

edited 2011-04-04 14:00:19 in Meatspace
I'm working as an editor for my school's literary magazine, and I wrote a story for submission to the Short Story section , but it was a little too violent so I haven't submitted it. On Saturday I had a game of Exalted with my group. I brought the first draft of the story because a friend (who's in the group) wanted it to read. The GM, however, wanted to read it herself. I gave it to her. I had to leave early, so I never heard what she thought of it. Today, I got together with the guy who I was going to give the story to originally. He said that she said it sucked. That was what she literally said. "It sucks". I'm reslly crushed by this. First of all, I told her it was a rough draft and would probably be bad. Second, she gave no other constructive critisism of it at all, so I'm wondering if I should even pay her any heed. And finally, she insulted it and me behind my back. Which really stings, though given that she's in college, we really can't meet that often. But it's the concept. I'm not sure why this affects me so much. I'm horribly sensitive to critisism and hae an egg-shell-thin ego, but I still got really pissed/depressed because of this. I don't want to blow up at her next time we meet.


  • The Sonic Series Wiki Curator of TvTropes
    Frankly, if that's literally all she said on it, then her "input" shouldn't really be taken all that seriously.
  • It might be a good idea to get a second opininion.  Do you have another friend who is into writing?


    If you're willing to post it online and post a link...

  • I did post it online, but it's in a protected forum where you need an account to view threads.
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