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I lack $99 to bid on a Yandere


  • edited 2011-04-06 00:37:06
    That seems almost more tsundere.
  • Isn't that kind of abuse cycle usually perpetrated by males?
  • edited 2011-04-05 23:47:30
    No rainbow star
    ^^ Which is what I said and unless you have screenshots you CAN'T PROVE OTHERWISE!
  • Cute, but I'd pass.
  • This reminds me of an online article detailing 'How to win a yandere'

  • I'm rather disturbed that abusive relationships are taken so lightly.
  • I always figure being able to laugh off the dark parts of life makes you better equipped to handle them.

    In fact...

  • To the point of saying one actually wants to be in such a relationship? That comes off as a display of ignorance that seems to trivialize the issue, though I can't speak for others whether it is actually offensive.
  • No rainbow star
    ^ I thought that the way I worded my post implied that I think of the woman as batshit insane...
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What the fuck is this shit?
  • No one is saying they really want to be in a truly abusive relationship.
  • I kinda...want to do this!
  • You know, prostitution pays way better than $100 a month.
  • edited 2011-04-06 08:56:27
    Woki mit deim Popo.
    I kinda...want to do this!

    People who say that have truly never dealt with really disturbing people.  Are you sure that kind of free sex is worth the abuse and threats to your family?
  • I don't think she's serious. This sounds like she'll do a month-long roleplay scenario.

    Nonetheless, I would never do this anyway. Yandere's are cute in fiction. Not in real life.
  • "This may make me your actual girlfriend" was amusing.

    And yes, actual abusive relationships are terrible. Someday I'll write a hugelong rant here on my last relationship, and when that happens the skies shall quake and the earth shall crack. Fathomless hordes will be vomited out of the world's crust. A duck's quack shall echo.
  • edited 2011-04-06 13:52:30
    Yandere's are cute in fiction

    Not really. Unless it's yandere!Tsukasa or yandere!Ui, but those are just fanart things and not canon, obviously. And even then they're only cute because the characters are already cute as non-yandere.

    But the real reason I'm quoting this is to tell you that "yandere's" is not the plural of "yandere." It's "yanderes." Actually, it's probably "yandere" since it's a Japanese word so it doesn't actually have a plural form but I'm just mad at you accidentally adding an apostrophe.
  • ^ WMG: Ui is yandere for Yui
  • You know, if I wasn't married, I'd be tempted. Not because I have a Yandere fetish (which I do), but because this person sounds like they have an interesting sense of humor. :3
  • Also it's an art exhibit and not a real eBay page.
  • Chagen, you don't think much is cute in real life that you think is cute in fiction...
  • To be fair, things like yandere are much cuter in fiction where they aren't actually hurting people.
  • Yeah, once she starts killing people...it's not so adorable. It's disturbing.
  • ^ WMG: Ui is yandere for Yui

    Yes... that's what I meant, actually.
  • edited 2011-04-06 19:27:03
    a little muffled
    End Time: Feb-13-04 02:06:34 PST
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