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Rottweiler got banned



  • Was that to meor someone else Snowbull?
  • edited 2011-04-23 20:01:40
    So me saying "all Americans are idiots" offends fewer people than saying "Everybody from Montana is an idiot"?

    I think snowbull was talking to me.
  • oh just clarifying I have a tendency of lookin in to half baked phiosiphy.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    Well, what I was wondering was whether it was a question of the level of the insult.

    Like, "Americans have some questionable values" versus "Everybody in Montana is an asshole".
  • @Tnu: Yes, I was talking to Myr.
  • ok just wanted to clarify.
  • Yeah, I thought we were friends, but apparently not.

    Also, I would like to remind everyone that it is completely unclassy to  say bad things about banned people on forums where they aren't there to defend themselves.
  • edited 2011-04-23 20:09:06
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^^^^^ Yes. It's more of a "we're used to it" mentality. It's on a case-by-case basis, but in this case Rottweiler was insulting more people, per capita. 

    ^ Oh, u. 
  • Only about banned people? Because I don't remember Tongpu having an account on here...

    Also, @Khwarz, I think I'll have to do some more digging through his posts to pinpoint the precise examples. Later, though. Sleepy now.

  • "Yeah, I thought we were friends, but apparently not."

    who u say about
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    How was Rott insulting more people?  I don't follow.  There are, what, three Muslims on the entire forum?
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    No, I mean that, if you were a Muslim, you'd probably take more issue with the fact that someone was insulting your faith than if someone was insulting all faiths. 
  • And he got along fine with at least one of those three Muslims.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Protega > Glenn: technically, they're mirror images, unless you're talking about something besides the gasping John.

    I actually thought that that was Raven, what with the black background, blue cloak and clothing, and white skin.

    MoeDantes > So is it appropriate to say that Rott has hopped on the banned-wagon?


    Now if only you'd put a pause between "has" and "hopped", during which pause you had put on your sunglasses...

    Stormtroper > I guess that's why they call it "forum warrior".


    GLORIOUSLeader > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The thing is that, even if saying "gay history is anal sex LOL" is insensitive, I've seen much worse all over, and hardly anyone has been banned for saying those things. I'll just assume that it was more of a straw that broke the camel's back.

    Well, it is a quite common policy to have repeated warnings result in a ban.

    BonSequitur > I think people who thought he was a 'good debater' are really sadly mistaken. Anyone actually paying attention to an extended conversation with him would have found him to be difficult to get across to, often misunderstanding people's points or exaggerating them into straw men to reply. He sounded polite and attentive, but most of his posts weren't really productive additions to the conversation.


    Chagen > At the very least, he clearly had a brain and was normally calm and reserved. That's better than the usual internet debater, a screaming semi-illiterate idiot.

    However, this too.

    BlackHumor > I find Tongpu much less infuriating than Rott. The fact he's still around is actually a pretty good proof Rott wasn't banned for having unpopular opinions.

    There's also these reasons:
    * Tongpu posts a lot less.
    * Tongpu posts opinions that are often so far out of the mainstream that they are not seen as reasonable and thus not taken very seriously.
    * Tongpu does not come out and argue very much.  He tends to just leave comments and then that's about it.  He's not the kind of person who stays with a thread until he's responded to everyone, then responded to everyone's responses to his response, and so forth.

    GLORIOUSLeader > I'll even agree that OTC is a liberal circlejerk; when I brought up the fact that the Middle Eastern protest thread had next to nothing about any country save for Libya lately, I was met by one person agreeing with me, one person saying I had no right to complain because two of their friends had died in Libya (no disrespect to them), and almost everybody else completely ignoring that and going back to talking non-stop about only Libya.

    1. How does neglecting non-Libyan protests and/or resistance movements for the moment show that OTC is a "liberal circlejerk"?
    2. I totally support people talking about non-Libyan protests and/or resistance movements.  I just usually don't have much news to post about them; my usual procedure is to check out that thread and then bring news from it to my friends elsewhere, actually.

    Khwarizmi > If it was, Major Tom would have been banned before Rott even signed up.

    This.  Rott is, if anything, LESS like a stereotypical strawman than Major Tom.

    GLORIOUSLeader > ^ How, exactly? I can count the number of times I've disagreed with something Major Tom's said by counting the number of posts he's made in the forum, but I won't call for him to be banned because a) I can ignore him and b) he is occasionally correct and I can see his viewpoint without him deciding to insult entire sweeps of opinions.

    Yeah, he's actually pretty cool when he talks about non-political topics, such as military weapons and vehicles and Cave Story.

    Myrmidon > No he wasn't. He had trouble seeing other people's points of view, and he could be annoying sometimes. But I fail to see how that makes him worse than the dozens of other tropers with the exact same problems.

    Rott's problem was not that he would insult other users; Rott's problem was that he would insult their philosophies, subjecting the philosophies themselves to strawman arguments.  That is actually what produced this latest spark.

    Tnu1138 > Actually from what I saw Major Tom was only fiscally conservative you guys are falling in to the same Trap Jim Demint tries to set thatyou ahve to be Socially Conservative to be Fiscally Conservative why is it so bad to want to have freedom of person and property?

    No, he's not actually fiscally conservative; he just parrots the conservative Republican lines about fiscal conservatism, from welfare queens to having to paying for someone else's health insurance to repeatedly associating liberals/Democrats with increasing taxes and increasing spending and forcing their actions and positions into an assumption of increasing taxes and/or spending.  Especially without going into much detail about why increasing taxes or increasing spending would be bad, other than griping about the deficit.

    Myrmidon > I don't know who Jim Demint is.

    U.S. Senator from South Carolina, Republican, and one of the highest-profile tea-party types.

    Myrmidon > Yeah, I hate bigots. And the Dutch.

    You must be one of those fuckers from Philip II's Spain.  I will not stand for your oppression of the Dutch!
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    A previously-unknown forum user
    is approaching fast!
  • Have people's brains fallen out? Regardless of whether or not Tongpu is serious or trolling (the latter being much more likely), you have to be putting distinct effort into not seeing his posts as insulting.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Eh, I was just trying to appease Myr by... actually, I have no idea what that Libya tangent has to do with anything. I guess it was for another thread I was too lazy to create. 
  • edited 2011-04-23 20:32:14
    Because you never know what you might see.
    ^^ We talking direct insults, or passive-aggressive snark?
  • Check your inbox.
  • Glenn, Notwithstanding has posted prior to this thread. I know because Tnophelia started bitching about it.
  • Actually, you know what, I've been acting like a cunt for this entire thread and it's going nowhere. Just forget it.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ^^ Huh?
  • Have people's brains fallen out? Regardless of whether or not Tongpu is
    serious or trolling (the latter being much more likely), you have to be
    putting distinct effort into not seeing his posts as insulting.

    Insulting to whom? Again, I would like to read the Tongpu post that's objectionable. I've read something like his last 120 posts and have found one thump and 119 totally kosher messages.

  • "Have people's brains fallen out? Regardless of whether or not
    Tongpu is serious or trolling (the latter being much more likely), you
    have to be putting distinct effort into not seeing his posts as

    Eh, maybe I'm dense, but I've never had a problem with them. He mostly seems to talk about himself, and while his nihilism/stated fondness for serial killers leaves me unimpressed, I don't recall him disparaging any posters or misrepresenting groups of people. Too bad I can't say the same about Rotty.

  • http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=qe050tnu3s3216u7fyx7vrl4&page=11#273

    Again, it's not about knowing whether he's being hyperbolical about his fanboy desires to end the world, it's about finding (particularly if you think Rottweiler offensive) what he says distasteful to the utmost.
  • edited 2011-04-23 21:30:03

  • edited 2011-04-23 21:41:06
    La vie en rose
    ^^I thought you would go for his rape stuff. The post you linked to is tame though, easy to disagree with but very clearly not bannable, and also very clearly looking out for the well-being of humanity, though his premises on what "well-being" entails and conlusions on what should be done are very different from yours. It's just the logical extension of his negative utilitarianism.
  • Please. Trying very hard to horrify people by praying for higher death tolls is not altruism, it's simply being despicable.
  • That was not only on-topic, but he only got into his more objectionable beliefs when asked. And he phrased his beliefs as his own opinions, not as facts which everyone else is somehow too stupid to recognize.

    All in all, it's kinda proof that being even a little respectful to others goes a LONG way.

  • If someone wished death upon your family, you'd find him a psychopath. If someone wished death upon your race, you'd find him a racist. Someone wishes death upon you, your family, your race, and the entirety of the world, and suddenly, that's respectful?
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