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Apparently being forced into a docile existence or facing a horrifying death is sexy

edited 2011-08-11 21:55:52 in Webspace
When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
SCP-686image By itself, it's not scary, but once you think about the implications, you will freak out. 686 is just milk, except it contins an infection that causes mammary glands to devlop in mammals, even males. If milked regurlay, the diesase won't advance any further. If left unchecked, however, your entire torso will become an gigantic udder. Not only that, but because you have to eat all the time to keep your metabolism up,you'll become nothing more than a docile animal. Just imagine what a sick mind could do with that. On the other hand, you could consider itFetish Fuel.


  • Please tell me that is not on the main wiki. 
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    It's on High Octane Nightmare Fuel: SCP Foundation. 
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
  • This is TVTropes we're talking about. Every sick, depraved imagination-abortion can be considered "fetish fuel". I'm sure a few tropers get hot at the idea of having their spine broken and being forced to give themselves a rimjob.
  • You can change. You can.
    You say it as if you didn't do that yourself every morning.
  • edited 2011-08-11 23:05:34
    >Implying that TV Tropes is the world's sickest fetish community, rather than FurAffinity.

    ^ That too.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-08-11 23:06:46
    ^^Please. Spines and anuses are for the weak.

    ^I dunno, I think stroking it to humanimals is slightly less terrible than wanting to fuck your imaginary underage own sister.
  • Glaives are better.
    There's actually a bit of an overlap between FurAffinity and TV Tropes. I found out about that when I was banned for describing bestiality as "morally suspect."
  • You can change. You can.
    Not what you said last night, honeycakes.
  • ^^^
    >Implying that certain parts of 4chan didn't get there first.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-08-11 23:08:44
    banned for describing bestiality as "morally suspect."


    Was that from TVT or FA?

  • Glaives are better.
    It was from TV Tropes. And if you want to get technical, I was also decrying Nazi fetishism in that post, saying that it was offensive to all the victims of their crimes. 
  • And people get mad when I call TVT a hugbox.
  • You can change. You can.
    Something tells me that Hatter's relay of events isn't exactly trustable.
  • edited 2011-08-11 23:13:44
    Glaives are better.

    It totally is. I think that what you - and by you, I mean we - did to DLC was abominable, and that if we considered ourselves her friends we would have taken action. Held an intervention. I don't know.

    Juan, I don't lie about this sort of thing. Ever. And since Fast Eddie deleted the relevant posts, all you have is my word to go on. Which isn't bad, considering what my word is worth.

  • You can change. You can.
    ugh, is this seriously where you want to go

  • BobBob
    edited 2011-08-11 23:14:14
    ^^^Normally I'd agree with you Juan, but the fact that I've experienced similar instances at TVT makes me believe him.

    That, and the fact that TVT is seriously a gigantic fucking hugbox.
  • Poot dispenser here

    Myrmidon, get in here!
  • It's possible for something to be horrifying and sexy at the same time, and fantasizing about something doesn't mean wanting it to actually happen. Compare the number of people with rape fantasies to the number who genuinely want to be forced into sex.
  • edited 2011-08-11 23:16:38
    Glaives are better.

    I also got banned for saying that furries should dress in Renaissance costumes when going to the Renaissance fair, to stay in theme.

    EDIT: I read somewhere entirely untrustworthy that something like 70% of women have rape fantasies.

  • BobBob
    edited 2011-08-11 23:17:37
    ^What was the context of that comment? I know furries are bitchy, but I can't see them getting too fired up over something like that.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    Hugbox?  Thanks to lurking around the Allspark forums, I keep reading "hugbox" as "fuckbox".
  • You can change. You can.
    All I'll say is...

  • Glaives are better.
    I posted a topic on IJBM 1.0 about my experience at the Renaissance festival. I described my consternation at the sight of a group of people in fursuits prancing along, and also the reactions of other people at the festival, including a couple of charming old people dressed like pirates. I said that it was slightly disrespectful to deliberately break the theme, and that if people wanted to dress in fursuits they should do so at furry conventions, where they're welcome. I compared it to - and forgive me if my memory is faulty - someone dressing up as a Stormtrooper or the Master Chief at an anime convention.
  • ^^Please, you give us waaay too much / little credit.
  • You can change. You can.
    Eh, it's Gandalf and it is epic.

    And I honestly expected someone to tell off you guys for using what is probably the dumbest word in the whole of the internet.
  • I've a feeling that Hatter is leaving out crucial details.

    Like, off the top of my head, tone.
  • You can change. You can.
    ^My thoughts exactly.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    I feel like I've seen this before...
  • edited 2011-08-11 23:34:14
    I stand on Grendel's shoulders
    It's possible for something to be horrifying and sexy at the same time,
    and fantasizing about something doesn't mean wanting it to actually

    Actually, you're right about that.

    Though I wouldn't describe it as "sexy" so much as fascinating in a sexual way? I dunno. "Sexy" implies it's favorable for the subject to have, but it isn't here.
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