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/v/'s Recommended Games Wiki

edited 2011-08-25 19:14:42 in IJAM
Kichigai birthday!!
It almost seems impossible the guys at /v/ got together to make this,but they did,and I have to say is quite good.




  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Robot Unicorn Attack

    All is right with the world.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    Now they made me want to try Taiko no Tatsujin,even though it must suck playing it without the drums
  • Taiko No Tatsujin is really fun.  I only ever got one chance to play it though, and I sucked because lolperipheralsI'veneverusedbefore.  I really do want to play it again though.  Until then... osu!'s Taiko mode will have to suffice.
  • They have Half-Life, but no Half-Life 2.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    Don't talk me about osu!, I just discovered today I'll have to change my graphic card if I want to play it.

    Though I read in Wikipedia you can play Taiko Wii games withouth the peripheral. I wonder how will they work with Wiimote only
  • You can change. You can.
    Ignore the mediocre reviews that critics gave to this game. This is a combination of the old school 3D platformers from the N64/PS1 days, with hack and slash combat and weapon leveling a la Devil May Cry. The art direction and atmosphere are amazing, there's shitloads of stuff to collect and the combat requires actual thought rather than just mashing the attack button. Only downsides are occasional graphical glitches and only one boss battle in the entire game. Also, Alice is mah psychotic waifu.

    yeah...excuse me as i ignore this. 
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    You just mad that they didn't include Hamsterz,which I know is your favourite video game ever
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    You mean Hamtaro?
  • bEsT mOtHeRfUcKiNg FrIeNdS fOrEvEr
    Wait, the guys at /v/ were actually able to collaborate on something like this without flaming or threatening to skullfuck each other?

    I'm so proud. ;_;
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    ^^ No, Hamtaro was good  and they actually included it. I mean this

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I want to play that to see if it's worse than Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

    I'll look through the list in a bit; shower time now.
  • edited 2011-08-25 23:52:30
    I don't think it's good at all. In fact, it has the same problems that TV Tropes has with their subjective pages, only worse since the website implies /v/ approves of everything on those lists.

    On what planet are Metroid: Other M, Haze and Sonic Unleashed (HD) universally-acclaimed masterpieces?
  • $80+ per session
    The problem with this site is, it's premise makes the entire site subjective by default.
  • Clean your room little Billy

    @ Juan: I actually kind of liked Madness Returns. Sure, the gameplay was reheated God of War, but the imagery and story kept me going. That whole 'waifu' bullshit is still irritating, however.

  • >When the game starts, you're alone in a bunker. The world outside was brought to a complete standstill when the air started dissipating. No one could have imagined a quieter apocalypse. People simply fell where they stood or sat at the time. Those who survived were the people who had planned ahead, who had planned for the impossible. Their reward was solitude on a lifeless, airless planet. You have entire cities open to exploration and treasure hunting. Only... you have to watch your air gauge. If you forget it, you might end up fucked unless you can somehow find air. You move around empty schoolyards, apartment buildings, and skyscrapers. The lack of air preserved the billions of bodies worldwide relatively longer than they otherwise would have been, and now the empty planet is a mausoleum of dried up human husks littering streets and buildings. Your only contact with other people would be someone who you talk to frequently over what's left of the internet or some old radio-type thing. You've known them for years, but have never met them in person. They're your only company in an otherwise dead world, and they're holed up somewhere else, exactly like you. One day, they stop signing in/going on the air and you decide to find out what happened to them. You only have a faint idea where their bunker is and you know you wouldn't have enough air to get there in one stretch. That's where the game really begins. Do you make an effort to find them or what happened to them, or do you go on with your life, salvaging, exploring, and listening to your own breathing as you make your way through the still graveyard of humanity?

    I REALLY wanna play this now.
  • You can change. You can.
    @ Juan: I actually kind of liked Madness Returns. Sure, the gameplay was reheated God of War, but the imagery and story kept me going. That whole 'waifu' bullshit is still irritating, however.

    I was mostly referring to the Waifu bullshit, not the fact they liked the game. 
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    >Looks in the recommended DS games section.
    >Does not find Pokemon

  • $80+ per session
    I think it's for less known games.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    I don't know where are you looking,but the last time I looked the Pokemon games were there
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    There's an informal tone, and then there's espousing the qualities of a game without truly describing anything. In reference to a few examples posted above.
  • You can change. You can.
    > There (Apparently) is no Pokemon in the list.

    nvm, this list is the shit
  • $80+ per session
    >Juan sucking

    Same as usual :p
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    "The first games of the Pokémon franchise. Released simultaneously, both
    games have exclusive Pokémon that you can trade to complete your Pokédex
    or evolve certain Pokémon. You can also battle other trainers via the
    Game Boy Link cable. They received updated rereleases recently as
    FireRed and LeafGreen for the Game Boy Advance, but if all you have is a
    Game Boy or Game Boy Color, these are acceptable alternatives."

  • You can change. You can.
    Aaaaaaaand the list sucks again. 
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    We know you prefer real animal games,such as Dogz,Catz,Horsez over fictional ones,but there's no need of being so vocal about it
  • edited 2011-08-26 13:46:55
    Kichigai birthday!!
    Princess Debut
    Rhythm / Sim
    You get to live the dream and be the little girl. In addition,
    you're also a princess. The ball will be held soon, and it's up to you
    to find yourself a dance partner/love interest. Dancing is done through
    stylus movements a la Elite Beat Agents, with difficulty depending on
    the song style. Find cute outfits, new songs, and possibly your true
    love in the manliest game of all time.


    Why does the table show up in the edit box but not in the comment?
  • I actually was really tempted to get that game a while ago, because rhythm game and also because princesses.
  • edited 2011-08-26 14:45:31
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh, it's actually a gigantic list, not just a small list.

    Looking through the lists, they basically seem to be lists of the generally most famous games for each system or category.

    The freeware games list also reminds me to figure out how to get Guardian of Paradise working.
  • They call me Rate Miser, whatever I see... turns overrated in my eyes...
    Where's R-Type II? At least R-Type I made it in the list. If it didn't...
  • Glaives are better.
    They recommended Call of Duty 4, World at War, Duke Nukem Forever and Dragon Age: Origins. Their opinions are invalid.
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