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Pony Thread Simulator (NSFW)

edited 2011-09-07 05:17:59 in IJAM
Pony Sleuth
I lol'd heartily.


  • That animation was nice but holy god what the hell is up with the mother's breasts

  • But you weren't weirded out by them playing with the vibrator before that?
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    This is all from 4chan, that's too easy.
  • I thought that part was there for the Lulz
  • Kichigai birthday!!

  • Ha ha.

    Man, it's great that season two is just in ten days.
  • @Brownies video:

    Is it bad that when he said "she has the last G3 Applejack!" my first thought was "that's clearly a G4 Applejack, dumbass"?
  • Not really.

    Also, Fluttershy is obviously the cute one and no one likes G3 ponies.

    It's probably intentionally wrong though.
  • "Is it bad that when he said "she has the last G3 Applejack!" my first thought was "that's clearly a G4 Applejack, dumbass"?"

    Is it sad that I thought that when I've never even watched the show?
  • It's sad that you've never watched the show, yes.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    Man, I like MLP and still have to fight the urge to go all KILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURN! on /co/.

    Do my brony cards get taken away?
  • No, but your "I ain't even mad." reaction image privileges do. 
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    @Gelzo: That was actually pretty amusing.
  • This one comes recommended by my MTG playgroup.

  • This one deserves mention for being over 25 minutes long. I think Nick will like this, because it has some of Dinner Warrior's work.

  • edited 2011-09-14 07:08:47
    Kichigai birthday!!
    Oh, I've already seen it. It was pretty good, but since I don't watch MLP many of the jokes were lost on me

  • Always a good one.

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