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Tomas Haake

edited 2011-09-18 19:46:41 in IJAM
Has friends besides tanks now
Meshuggah's "Bleed". (Artwork probably NSFW/djent, so non-metalheads will get bored soon)

Each different piece of the drum part, by itself, isn't too impressive, except maybe the ghost notes (I can hear cymbal ghosts, but apparently there are also snare ghost notes too, but I can't hear them at all); even with my scrawny little legs, I can keep up the double bass patterns for a time pretty much the entire time, when I tried it just now, but putting it all together is impressive.

Although it took him six months to learn the part, or so I heard, so it might just be down to muscle memory at this point, but still.

Just wish the song itself wasn't so bland and repetitive, though; there are some nice riffs there, but without more variation it loses impact.

inb4 this thread gets no replies because lol who cares?


  • edited 2011-09-18 19:43:09
    a little muffled
    Song seems pretty decent to me, even though I've never really been able to get into Meshuggah.

    I see what you mean about it being repetitive though.
  • Clean your room little Billy
    ^^ Repetitive I understand because hey, it's Meshuggah. But bland?
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    ^ When the guitar strums on the same note or three (not sure if it's the guitar or the bass that's moving up and down) for ~two minutes straight, and then does that again for the second half of the song, yeah, I get bored.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    I don't know what it is with metal guitarists and insisting on hammering out 16th or 32nd notes all the time in rhythm sections. I personally find a dark melody much more interesting and sinister, plus it gives one the opportunity to play with harmony a lot more.

    Slower stuff is really underrated in metal. It's a shame. Slow is heavy.
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