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Not Enough Old-School Scotts Here

edited 2011-09-30 09:51:32 in General
I sometimes feel a little lonely, throwing out whiskey references that I know no Kilt-man but me even gets. Everyone here seems to be a
manga fan or a TV junkie or a gamer freak (which wouldn't be so bad except I've met nobody who has an appreciation for the graceful simplicity of deep fried chocolate) and when they're interested in Scotland, it's through the auspices of media -- they're talking about stereotypes and Ireland, that I can't see value in because they're dumb as shit.

I mean yeah, you all know what haggis is and probably know where the "och aye laddie" meme is from, but if I made a throwaway reference to an actual historical Scottish monarch, or if I told you that I'll chib yeh if you dinnie cut the , would you know what I'm talking about? Would you?

*Goes to wallow in Irn Bru and bonnie lassies, like the awful Caledonian I am*


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