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My Little Pony: Friendship Just Bugs Me



  • Pretty fun episode, I guess. It had a number of little things that amused me, like Lyra jumping and Bon Bon being voiced differently again. The last few were tough acts to follow. Anyway, how long do you think it will be until someone sets the Bed Intruder song to Rainbow in the opening scene?
  • Even for a kids' cartoon, the moon logic is abysmal. Why doesn't Sweet Apple Acres hire more labourers if they're okay with other ponies helping out? Why do the brothers suddenly get the farm when the bet was over the right to sell cider? Why do I care?

  • Well it's not like characters behaving irrationally isn't something that can't happen in a show and still make sense. It could very well be that there are unexpressed cultural norms that explain what they're doing. You could justify the decision to not hire more laborers because of a sense of pride, or the expectation that use of less skilled workers will result in an inferior quality product or at least one that they'd not be able to have complete oversight of at all stages. They couldn't stay in business without the cider sales, so there wasn't any point to keeping the farm; the brothers were probably the only ones that could have made use of it, so it's likely that they wouldn't have gotten a good deal out of selling it, and maybe they were demoralized enough to not bother trying.

    But generally I do think they might have rushed the writing on this one. What bothers me a little more than the characters being unreasonable is that it's presenting a situation that teaches some warped lessons. That is, you could interpret a moral of shunning technological progress that would improve the quality of life for the population in favor of the old ways even if they can coexist.

    All that said, the episode reminded me a little of the casual vs. hardcore gamers nonsense in retrospect.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^I disagree with the whole "technology is bad" message. If anything the Flim Flam brothers were portrayed as bad because they tried to scam the Apples out of their profits and livelihood, not because they had a cool machine.

  • Yeah, if you read the episode's recap page, everyone notices the aesop wasn't against the machine (it works fine when running at normal productivity) but unscrupulous business practices.

  • edited 2012-01-29 13:59:51
    Diet NEET

    MLP scriptwriters confirmed for Luddites.

  • I say, these ponies REALLY fucking love cider.

    Also, Fluttershy sleeps naked. Don't act like you weren't thinking about that.

  • ^^Do you not read what I write?

  • Yes. But half the fun of the fandom is to find out in how many ways the series can be corrupted.

  • @ninjaclown: The thing is that the Apples were suspicious of the machine to a fault before there was any reason for them to cheat, and this is treated as justified.

  • That song was pretty enjoyable.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2012-01-29 17:36:22

    Of course they were suspicious of it.  They were worried about getting upstaged and put the hell out of business by a machine that they inherently had no way to reproduce or run (remember, it ran on unicorn magic).  Applejack went right out and said that cider sales are what push the farm's coffers through winter -- direct competition of that scale would outright doom them, and so would the brothers' terms for cooperation.

    LOL the fans are having a field day with this.


    Applejack just fucking trolled Celestia and then went out and got wasted.  I can't get over that.  BEST PONY.

  • edited 2012-01-29 17:30:56

    ^^ I didn't think about it that way. AJ continues to be my favorite, I suppose.

    ^ Knew others would get that impression.

  • Another thing to chew on is that if the brothers put the Apples out of business over cider and didn't decide to fill in the rest of their farming business, all of Ponyville would have been completely boned come the next harvest season.

  • You know, I'm giving up putting more thought into this. I'm not getting my points across as clearly as I'd like to, and you can't really get results applying reason to something that doesn't operate along the lines of what you know to be true about the world.
  • edited 2012-01-29 21:43:32

    Hence why I just enjoyed the song and didn't think too much about the episode after watching it. It's just a show, relax.

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.


  • BeeBee
    edited 2012-01-30 18:48:18

    ^ Wow.  XD

    You know, I'm giving up putting more thought into this. I'm not getting my points across as clearly as I'd like to, and you can't really get results applying reason to something that doesn't operate along the lines of what you know to be true about the world.

    I enjoy thinking about things harder than is necessary.  Sure "lol wacky cartoons" is perfectly valid, but I like taking scenic routes; it helps to kind of crystallize things in my head a bit better.

  • Yeah, me too, it's just that this case is a little more frustrating to me for whatever reasons.

  • As do I, but sometimes there's aspects you can't comprehend it because there's nothing there to comprehend.

  • Just always remember...

    I just realized the sheer irony that this sweet children's cartoon is produced by a group of crazy people in a small room, yelling swearwords and listening to loud music.suddenly, it all makes sense.

  • Source? Not for the quote, but for the info.

  • Ha ha, drawing them with hands as a joke...

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
  • Yeah.

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    do want
  • BeeBee
    edited 2012-02-04 01:06:47

    Waiting for the Battle Damage version :D



    That artist's DA page.  It seems to be her first shot at a naturalism approach to ponies, and...holy shit.  I've seen maybe three artists pull that off without making me want to run screaming, but when it works, it WORKS.

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