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Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. Some Thoughts.

edited 2011-10-27 15:30:10 in General
So I picked up Skylanders today and I gotta say...I kinda wish I didn't. It's not a BAD game perse, but it is a pointless game. I feel the game would work so much better as an MMO and maybe even better without Spyro.

There's really no incentive to buy or even USE the other figures, I mean okay, there's teeny tiny sections that you can only cross with characters of certain elements, but they're all optional and even then you'd only need one character of each type, so that's like six in total. Maybe if each character had some sort of story line like Sonic Adventure then I'd be more inclined to seek out the others, but as it is, it's totally pointless.

The game is dull because it's so, so easy and none of the characters have any kind of personality.

Still, the gameplay is fine (even though you can't jump, you need to use special spring pads) but is nothing to write home about and overall has been a big disappointment, and I intend on taking it back tomorrow!


  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I get the impression from what I've seen of it that the devteam was handed a really, really shitty concept and made the best of it.

    Whether that's good enough varies from person to person, though.
  • It's playable enough, and I think someone who really digs MMOs can really get into it, but for me, there's just not enough substance there for me to keep playing.
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