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Vanity Plate plastering

edited 2011-12-18 23:13:47 in Meatspace
Why bother? Nobody but obsessives gives a fuck enough to notice anything's been scrubbed out and replaced with something newer! (The worst offender at this is probably Sony Pictures Television, who compulsively stamps out almost every trace of Screen Gems, Columbia Pictures Television, Embassy Television, TriStar Television, Columbia-TriStar Television, what have you, and replaces it with their own logo. They've been doing it since they were Columbia Pictures Television, too!)


  • The rationale is probably something like keeping a consistent brand image, but it's probably ultimately pointless because aside from people like you and I nobody I know actually bothers to watch through the closing logos most of the time, let alone pay attention to them.
  • No rainbow star
    Saw the avatar. At first thought that this was a CA thread about vanity license plates until I realized that CA doesn't have Rainbow Dash in her avatar
  • Have to agree with CA - I didn't even realise this was a thing (it may not be over here, of course). I agree it is stupid, though.

    On vanity car license plates, I remember living a street away from some guy who had "LAD 1" as his plate. Every time I saw that car, I died a little inside.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    When they do it for legal reasons, I'm okay with it, but otherwise, I don't get it.
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