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The thing that got me out of the magic fandom

edited 2011-02-22 22:59:28 in General
Was them redesigning the website. Seriously. I read that every damn day for years, and when they changed the layout, I could not be assed to bother finding where the archives where or where the articles by some guy who had stopped writing a column that had been picked up by someone else a long time ago where, or whatever. So I stopped going. I gradually stopped caring at all. This also coincided with a massive shitting up of the whole WotC forums, which helped this along.

It was then that I realized, it wasn't the stuff they put in the packs making my addicted, it was subliminal messages in the website layout. People had led me to believe the addiction was something physical, and it was all a lie.


  • I quit because of combat phase mechanics changing and the reprint of Lightning Bolt.
  • Hey, I started losing interest immediately before people started complaining about that!
  • Those are all shitty reasons.

    Lightning Bolt isn't even broken or unfun, especially compared to some of the shit in blue.
  • I miss "damage on the stack" too, but I have to admit it didn't really make a lot of sense.
  • edited 2011-02-23 17:02:42
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I expected this would be about Jace.
  • I miss the days of "30 mountain/Lightning Bolt" decks.

  • I fell in love due to Baneslayer Angel, Divinity of Pride and Twilight Shepard's artwork. I became a full-fledged collector thanks to Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, which is the most beautiful card ever. ^^

    The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that it's not like YuGiOh in any way, where anything under $10 is complete shit, so you can't just THROW money at it to be good, you actually have to buy the good cards and get the common ones that don't suck to help you.

    And strategy.

    Either way, I like it due to that same reason as well. A $20 blue/green deck helped me beat a Grave Titan Zombie deck, which was cool.

    Also, Selkies and Fairies. Love the art.
  • edited 2011-02-23 18:37:24
    a little muffled
    @Miya: What's wrong with Bolt? Like Counterspell, it was a reasonably powerful common that was nerfed for no real reason. Unlike Counterspell (so far), Wizards eventually realized they were being retarded.

    As for combat nerfing...I want to agree with you, and it pissed me the hell off when I first heard about it (although I'd basically already quit by that point), but to be honest damage-on-the-stack didn't make any flavour sense whatsoever.

    @OP: Yeah, the new site design sucks balls. The shit with the forums is done now, though, and in actual fact they're less uptight than they were before the Gleemax shit. (You can upload your own avatars now!)
  • It's been too long for me to go back and keep caring. And I think my account was deleted during the Gleemax shitfest or something. I've never been able to log back on, at any rate.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > Gleemax shitfest

    Please describe.
  • To everyone asking why I quit, it's because I didn't want to shell out money to switch to Jund at the time (I was running mono-green ELVES and any of my core elves would be fried by a bolt.)
  • ^^They tried to make a central community for all of their customers who bought different things and were in different fandoms. The site itself was a boring, buggy, slow useless mess, but it also involved a restructuring of the forums. Accounts had to be migrated to the new location for the forums, which was more arduous than it had be.

    Worse, they fired all the non-american mods, and spread the remaining mods way to thin, so they would lock people or ban for almost nothing. One joker made a thread asking why people didn't use an extremely mediocre card, and for some reason this started a shitstorm. When a senior member seriously defended the original post as a good joke, he was banned for flamebaiting. He was later unbanned because everybody was making an even bigger shit storm about that. They also made it so the mods could have no contact with anyoneg at all. If a topic was violating the rules, they would post saying it was "under review", so nobody ever knew who or what was wrong. It sucked, and quite a few people left.

    The networking site itself was a failure, and it eventually went down. I never went back to the forums, so I don't what happened after that.
  • Morgan Freeman is God
    I really just play casually. Tournament play is too much Serious Business for me.
  • Jund rotated out of standard and it isn't as popular in extended as fairies.

    Also, elves recently got Elvish Archdruid

    Joraga Warcaller

    Joraga Treespeaker

    and Ezuri, Renegade Leader

    I'd say elves are in pretty good shape right now even with the existence of Lightning Bolt.
  • Quitting? Because Lightning bolt?

    I am sorry that a common red card made you quit.

  • Seriously, you guys have not witnessed the sheer brutality the 30 mountain/lightning bolt deck can bring down on someday. There's a reason you can only have 4 of each card.
  • edited 2011-02-24 18:26:07
    Pony Sleuth
    That rule has been a part of the game for a long time, so it's kind of irrelevant to complain that a deck like that could work. Besides, I'm pretty sure a deck like that would get killed in competitive formats nowadays.

    Hell, all you have to do is sideboard in Leyline of Sanctity.

  • You can only have 4 lightning bolts in a deck. What the fuck are you talking about?
  • edited 2011-02-24 18:48:05
    a little muffled
    @snowbull: Thirty Mountains is way too many in that kind of deck. (Doing some quick math because I'm a nerd, I'd say sixteen Mountains and forty-four Bolts would be optimal.)

    @Gelzo: I wouldn't so certain. Burn.dec has been perpetually tier 2 in Legacy for some time now; something like this might actually go somewhere. Leyline does rape it, though, obviously. Of course, with no four-of rule, you could just run this instead (numbers chosen somewhat arbitrarily):
    13 Plateau
    39 Lightning Bolt
    8 Disenchant

    (Substitute Taiga and Naturalize for Plateau and Disenchant if you want.)
  • Yeah, you're probably right. For some reason I forgot that legacy burn is more or less the same thing but with weaker burn spells.

    I think I'd sideboard the Naturalizes, though.
  • Oh, you guys are playing the shattered broken "nothing works right" version of the game. Now I get the whole "Lightning Bolt deck".
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