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Trixie the pony

edited 2011-08-18 20:02:09 in Media
I don't get her appeal. She seems rather flat to me. (And even if she was meant to be irritating, Gilda was more irritating to me)


  • edited 2011-08-18 20:03:05
    Kichigai birthday!!
    Is this about that Fairly Odd Parents character?
  • Should have explained. She's from MLP.
  • Same :/
  • I thought the character was pretty fun. She gets points in my book for the "neighsayers" line at least.

    But fuck those guys that read way too much into minor characters, make them excessively tragic, and get emotionally attached. That shit is just weird.
  • For a couple weeks the pony thread over on TVT was just a constant debate about her.

    I kinda wonder why anyone cares that much about such a minor character.
  • People care because if they don't wank furiously over every detail in the show, people will accuse them of not caring.

    "You haven't written an in-depth analysis about the implication of Trixie's past? you are a hater!!"
  • ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    I sympathize with Trixie; also she has a nice hat and is a ham.

  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Bellisario's Matrix or whatever says not to delve too deeply into the stories and demand too much context from them, like, if ponies fucked dragons, or pony rape or the childhood of filler/muPonies.
  • ^

    IJBM: There are two different tropes on the wiki for what is essentially the same concept (Bellisario's Maxim, and MST3K Mantra), as if the point needed to be emphasized twice.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Both of them are un-necessarily hard to find, since I am unfamiliar with Bellisario and MST3k.
  • MLP FiM has things for adults to enjoy as well.

    Deep psychological analysis of the characters isn't one of those things.
  • edited 2011-08-20 02:45:15
    Pony Sleuth
    I dunno. I've had a lot of fun overanalyzing the show.

    Of course I really don't like it when others doing the same bring their preferred fanon into the discussion instead of evidence from the show. Hardcore fans of whatever can get pretty dumb and emotional sometimes.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Like the ones who spam Faust about implementing a side character as the 7th friendpony or giving them their own episode or spotlight or injecting romance and family creation with said ponies?
  • edited 2011-08-20 02:57:28
    Pony Sleuth
    Sorta, yeah.

    I mean, six (seven if you count Spike) main characters are quite a lot already. And there's already enough romantic stuff in the series. Some people just won't be satisfied until they get their preferred ship.

    And another thing.

    There seems to be entirely too many fans hoping for minor one-off characters to make a return and get another episode centered on them. Sometimes it really seems that they're underestimating the writers' ability to create brand new characters that are just as entertaining.
  • I dunno. I've had a lot of fun overanalyzing the show.
    I have too.

    It's funny, when I started watching the show I watched with the mindset of a little kid--I'm watching a children's cartoon, I'm practically a child anyway, so why not?

    Then as I started re-watching a lot of the episodes, I switched from "little kid mode" to "overthinking everything mode" and now I find myself rambling at length about transgendered ponies or discussing how doctor ponies would handle the tools needed to perform surgery.
  • I don't usually overthink while I'm watching. Ideas just kind of come up out of nowhere. Like, "I wonder what kind of sewage system Cloudsdale has?"
  • edited 2011-08-20 03:42:04
    That's what I do too.

    My real point was that somewhere along the line I stopped thinking of it as candy ("it's a little kids show, it doesn't have to make sense") and started actually thinking about this kind of thing.

    Though it still works as candy, too.
  • Your name is Tyler?
  • ...Why is that always the first thing people comment on?

    Yes. Tyler.
  • Well, I didn't really know that before, so it was kinda notable to me.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    No, her name is Tylynn.
  • Short for Tylenol?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Or Tylie. Tyla.
  • edited 2011-08-20 04:04:39

    GENDER: Feminine

    USAGE: Finnish

    Meaning & History

    Derived from Finnish tyyni "calm, serene".
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    No, Tyla's name is Tyla, because it's an alternate spelling of my sweet ex and I MISS HER SO MUCH COME BACK TO ME....T_R
  • $80+ per session
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    I don't usually overthink while I'm watching. Ideas just kind of come up out of nowhere. Like, "I wonder what kind of sewage system Cloudsdale has?"

    Consider: Cloudsdale is where weather is manufactured.
  • Your name is Central Avenue, and I will call you that even in real life.
  • Someone in Ponychan already suggested to me that the rainbow factory was the sewage system, which has all sorts of amusingly disturbing implications.
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