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Weird masochistic urges

edited 2011-10-02 22:50:15 in Meatspace
All I want to do right now is electrocute myself or rip my hair out or cut a leg off or grind up against a cactus and I don't know why but it sucks and now I feel weird.

lol, run-on sentences.


  • Cutting one leg off is for pussies.

    True fax.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Sometimes when I'm driving, I get a weird urge to swerve into the other lane.

    It's nothing I'd actually do, I have no desire to hurt myself or die, and I'm fairly happy, but still.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-10-02 22:53:04
    ^^What, you want me to reattach the other one and cut it off again? I'd like you see you take its ashes and turn them back into a full-blown leg. Jerk.

    ^Same here, with the exception of that last part. :/
  • Before I even clicked!
  • Oh, come on, it couldn't have been that obvious! There are plenty of masochistic attention whores around here!
  • Not me, you big boned-beast!
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-10-02 23:05:22
    Pffft, don't flatter yourself, no one cares about you.
  • Your mom cared about me, now we're BFFs
  • That doesn't count, she has to care about you or else people will think she's a shitty mother.

    I still don't see how she let you get away with bringing all of those male prostitutes home but she flipped her shit when I got a B on that test, but whatever, you brat.
  • The only other people who would make a thread like this are Vorpy and Vivi. And they ain't around.

    Well...I guess I wouldn't have been surprised if it was Chagen...
  • Well...I guess I wouldn't have been surprised if it was Chagen...

    And with that, I officially hate you and want you to die.
  • Vivis around the corner, and why do people sound  so surprised when they realize I'm a person with feelings and thoughts, and not just some random whore!
  • Because you act like a random whore, that's why.

    Mom only treated you better because you're older. Bitch.
  • ...Wait, you too?
  • You're the one on your knees 24-7 yet you're saying I act more whorish?

  • Yes, because I don't fuck anywhere near as many people as you. Remember that pregnancy scare you had because you screwed all of those guys at that party back in high school? Remember that time you stole my old boyfriend, or when you stole my girlfriend, for that matter? Remember my brought that guy home and you ended up doing him before mom did? Remember the lost coke bottle?

    Exactly, I just went there.
  • bob and mistress clock are sisters? :O
  • Yep, even if she does keep trying to disown me like the WHORE she is.
  • I'm calling bullshit.
  • Always hung up about the past, that you still try to fill that hole in your life with as many men as you can.

    Guess what, I'm not the one who forced you into a life of prostitution, just because your mother couldn't deal with your weird ass doesn't mean you had to go out and slobber down as many genitals as you can.

    Do you even know who you slept with the next day when your eyes are blood-shot from all the coke you've done?

    Probably not.
  • bob and mistress clock are sisters? :O


  • That was only for three days and you know it, you bitter, jealous slut. Besides, I'm not the one who came home with an STD. Stop trying to push your whorishness off on me.
  • I don't need to be bitter or jealous that I was ignored like your scrawny ass was...

  • BobBob
    edited 2011-10-02 23:28:04
    Oh, so now I'm supposed to be jealous because mom liked you for being such an ass-kisser? Why would I want attention from a manipulative, evil, distant bitch like her? You're just mad that dad called you out for being the whore you are. Even uncle James sees it, and he's as dumb as a rock. Face it, you suck and mom only pretends to love you because you don't care that she's a horrible excuse for a person.
  • Having the love of someone is better than being a lonely whore giving cheap oral in the alley <3


    And you're boasting that your only friend is a complete witch. That really says a lot about you.
  • No rainbow star
    BOB IS BACK! *Tackles her to the ground with a hug*
  • They're somethin' else.
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