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-The Riddle of Steel game never got off the ground due to Alex's schedule
-The Vampire game that finally got started after months of waiting has just kinda died
-The PTA game is on hold indefinitely on account of Nova's got more important stuff to do
-I don't even remember what happened to the game on BTL, except for me pushing two prospective players away
-The Call of Cthulhu game is still in the preparatory phase
-The PTA game being run by DDNeuro on another forum didn't work out, on account of the moderation (which I was a part of) flaking
Bluh. This is kinda sad.
Well, if it means anything I'm in the middle of a Deathwatch game that's looking for two players to replace some that jumped ship.
The timezone difference turned out to be too much of a nuisance, and some players turned out to be very unreliable, so we called it quit. You decided to try to DM the game later, at university. It would be a shame if you didn't, since I really like the worldbuilding, concept and the little of what I saw of the campaign.
I think this kinda happened to a D&D 3.5 game we were having via TVT. First, there were a bunch of scheduling issues, and on top of that I had my parents breathing down my neck.
I have a feeling that this happens all the darn time for online TTRPG organizing.
Just online? The same damn thing always happens to me in meatspace too.
Yeah, they tend to get tabled.
Was that a pun?
Wasn't one of my top ten, I suppose.
You should know by now which role does Bastion play in IJBM
"The timezone difference turned out to be too much of a nuisance, and some players turned out to be very unreliable, so we called it quit. You decided to try to DM the game later, at university. It would be a shame if you didn't, since I really like the worldbuilding, concept and the little of what I saw of the campaign."
Thanks! That actually gives me an idea, though: assuming I have the time at college, D&D 5e is currently in the playtesting phase, so depending on how much I like that system, I might try the game in that edition instead. I have high hopes for it, since there's a heavy focus on playtester input at this point.
On that note, I'll post a notice of recruitment here: if anyone's up for it, I'll try my hand at running a brief (somewhere around two to four sessions) adventure for you guys, with what has been compiled for this edition. Here's a link, for those who are curious and interested in exploring and providing feedback on a system in the works.
If the son of a gun download link for the playtest packet ever decides that it wants to work.
And my PTA fell apart (despite it being me GMing and only two players) because one of them never bloody posts >.<
. . . Well, crap. It would appear that BTL 1.0 has been done away with entirely, so I can't go in and grab the descriptions that I wrote for all those organizations and nations. ._.
Luckily, I have a document with the approximate levels of the members of each thing, so I can extrapolate and maybe get back onto the right track. I'll redetail it at some point.
Nils might still have BTL 1.0 threads saved somewhere. At least, I do know s/he does have threads that had been deleted previously.
I promise I will do as much as possible I can to help preserve old IJBM threads if anything happens to this site.