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Fast Eddie's communication with the moderators



  • Yeah. I doubt Scrye cares that a few people think he's an asshole, but people(including some people I usually respect) ganging up on Chagen and feeding his insecurities and persecution complex is not something I'm fond of.

    He annoys me too, sometimes, but seriously, you guys.
  • edited 2011-01-13 16:43:24
    yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
    But Chagen is fun. D:

    edit: By which I mean he is a fun person. Not that beating up on him is fun.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    When have we ever said it was OK to gang up on Chagen?  I'm fairly certain people have been warned for that before.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
    I don't think that that is what Myrm meant. Just that a lot of people have Kick the Chagen as their unofficial sport on TVTropes.

    Which should be put a complete stop to, I understand that his personality can make him an easy target. But so can mine, and I'm not comfortable with the way people bully him.
  • edited 2011-01-13 16:50:57
    Because you never know what you might see.
    The problem with Chagen is that he's kind of like a cross between early-days Matrix and a slightly toned-down version of Eponymous Kid.  He narrowly skirts the dickery rule on a regular basis, and occasionally behaves in a way that would ordinarily get him warned, but then when a mod does warn him he does the same thing again a week or so later.

    I'm sure his heart's in the right place, but really, can you blame people for feeling exasperated?  When I actually see people being nasty towards him, I'll warn them to knock it off, but it goes both ways.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
    You have a point, but, I think he only does the things he does because people encourage him to feel like a pariah.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    Which is regrettable, but the fact that he doesn't always distinguish between people insulting him personally and people politely disagreeing with him makes it difficult to police that kind of thing.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
    I've talked to him about it several times, but I don't know how much has sunk in.

    I think you should talk to the people bullying him too, if you haven't already.
  • Ah, man. Early days Matrix. Does when I started becoming active count as early days. From what I remember he got far too passionate about certain things, which lead to him making decisions that weren't the best.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
    I still maintain that Matrix is a pretty cool guy, even if I disagree with him a lot.
  • I will never forget the incest cat as long as I live

    I wish I could.

    No comment on Chagen, because you can probably guess it.
  • edited 2011-01-13 17:04:09
    Because you never know what you might see.
    Matrix is a great guy, and I'm kind of sad that he doesn't post as often as he used to.  He's matured a lot, though.  Early days Matrix would tend to take jokes too far sometimes, and also ended up in a peculiar feud with [AOD] (which was probably responsible for 25% of drama on the forum at the time, and the other 75% was Cosmetor).  But yeah, I think your assessment is correct, arks.

    I think I must have missed most of the bitching about Chagen, but I already warn anybody who I see saying something that I think goes too far.  If this is a case of outright bullying, maybe I need to take a more serious approach, because that's the kind of thing that wants stamping out, fast.

    ^ Matrix.  He used to bring up his fetishes all over the place, including incest.  This bothered some people.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
    Who the hell is Cosmetor?

    I don't know what the mods' definition of bullying is, but I'd call it bullying. As bad as the DLC thing, imo.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    Yet I haven't seen it reported anything like as often as when DLC was being bullied.  I'll have to keep an eye out for this.

    Cosmetor was a troper who thought he knew better than everybody else, and figured we must all be trolling for disagreeing with him.  He would take offence at certain trope titles, such as Bee Bee Gun and Grammar Nazi, and threw a tantrum whenever he didn't get his own way.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
    Thanks, Khwar. I don't want Chagen getting driven off like Cello did. I still feel bad about not being able to prevent it.

    What the hell is offensive about Bee Bee Gun?

    I can't fathom that one.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    It was such a bad pun that we could only be voting for it out of a desire to be obnoxious towards him.


    This was on YKTTW ages back.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
    *rubs temples*
  • edited 2011-01-13 17:42:10
    and who was the longest staying troper banned recently?</blockquote>
    Bon Sequitur

    people alternatively voicing their dislike and love for someone who's banned and isn't coming back is somehow more offensive than beating up on a kid with serious issues.
    They are entirely different things: Scrye isn't here, so the only purpose dancing on his grave would be... gratification due to sour grapes, or something like that. Picking on Chagen, however, is generally done with two objectives in mind: Watch his reactions and call him out on his views/attitudes, which is a natural consequence of him having views and attitudes at odds with the general troper populace.
    Not to say that the latter should be acceptable, but it's not really a good comparison to bring up for any other reason than "Hey, what they're doing is worse!", which is generally a bad argument. A more apt comparison would be.... I don't know... bitching about other tropers in "Post your random thoughts"

    Yet I haven't seen it reported anything like as often as when DLC was being bullied.  I'll have to keep an eye out for this.
    This is because of two things. First, DLC is significantly nicer than Chagen, and her views (crazy as they were) were only really relevant to herself, so people would feel more compelled to stand for her. Second, Chagen gets into a lot of discussions, in which sniping and legitimate arguing usually get muddled.

    EDIT: Fucking formatting, how does it work?
  • This conversation is actually pissing me off more than usual. Going to go listen to Linkin Park until I feel better.
  • ^^ You have to hit "Show Source" (the piece of paper with < > on it) before you add the
    . It's a pain, TBH, so just italics will work too.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    >Bon Sequitur

    D'oh.  Yes, of course he is.  By some way, I'd imagine.

    >This is because of two things. First, DLC is significantly nicer than Chagen, and her views (crazy as they were) were only really relevant to herself, so people would feel more compelled to stand for her. Second, Chagen gets into a lot of discussions, in which sniping and legitimate arguing usually get muddled.

    I can see this being the case.  I'll bear it in mind.
  • I'd dance on Scrye's grave, but bans aren't "winning" they're just "getting rid of obnoxious people." I mean, I guess I could be happy that "Someone I have thought to be obnoxious was thought to be obnoxious by the mods" and be happy about that, but with how wishy/washy I am about the concept of bans in the first place, that doesn't seem appropriate either.
  • Too far away, but do give me a call if you're in town.
  • edited 2011-01-13 19:36:36
    Sorry, go jumprope with your own intestines in a Mayan pyramid.

    "They are entirely different things: Scrye isn't here, so the only purpose dancing on his grave would be... gratification due to sour grapes, or something like that. Picking on Chagen, however, is generally done with two objectives in mind: Watch his reactions and call him out on his views/attitudes, which is a natural consequence of him having views and attitudes at odds with the general troper populace.
    Not to say that the latter should be acceptable, but it's not really a good comparison to bring up for any other reason than "Hey, what they're doing is worse!", which is generally a bad argument. A more apt comparison would be.... I don't know... bitching about other tropers in "Post your random thoughts" 

    Also I have read this five times and I still have no idea what the argument was.
  • No can do, I suck at jumprope.
  • Play nice, you two.
  • We can't, because this is a debate and it is a natural consequence of debates that people get insulted to their face.

  • Also I have read this five times and I still have no idea what the argument was.

    The argument was that gravedancing and picking on someone are different enough that bringing the latter up when discussing the former has no purpose other than trying to justify your behaviour (and that it is a poor excuse, at that).
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