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Animu/Mango General



  • edited 2013-02-09 02:03:33
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    FWIW my two favorite characters are Nao and Natsuki, for some odd reason.  Do you have any theories why?

    Shizuru didn't even show up on my favorability radar.  Mai was on there, at least, as was glasses girl whose name I forgot, and badass teddy bear girl.  Mikoto fell off the radar in one of the first few eps.

    ALSO IT'S "Mai-HiME", NEVER "My"

  • LaiLai
    edited 2013-02-09 02:26:55

    My-Mai-HiME. :P

    Thinking about actually watching Brotherhood and/or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Yay or nay?

  • a little muffled
    Brotherhood as in FMA? If so, yes that.
    Here, There, Everywhere

    Yes, although I would advise that you either read the manga or see the 2003 series first if you haven't already. Otherwise, you will miss out on a lot of stuff earlier on.

    Like the pure, unadulterated, soul-scarring trauma of "Night of the Chimera's Cry".

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Watch JoJo. So we can discuss the sheer fabulousness.

  • edited 2013-02-10 01:05:55

    FWIW my two favorite characters are Nao and Natsuki, for some odd reason.  Do you have any theories why?

    Well, it's at least impressive how those two took so long to get beaten. But since I'm mainly watching this as something to compare with Kamen Rider Ryuki (and by extension, Madoka magica), Nao felt more expendable. It took forever to really sympathize with her at all, and she's not badass enough to run on cool factor alone. Her preying on men reminded me of Scissors burying a guy in the wall of an antique store and Gai manipulating college kids. Natsuki was pretty cool. She's got Knight's style and Zolda's powers. That alone is enough.

    Shizuru didn't even show up on my favorability radar.  Mai was on there, at least, as was glasses girl whose name I forgot, and badass teddy bear girl.  Mikoto fell off the radar in one of the first few eps.

    Yeah, Shizuru didn't feel all that important for most of the show. Her turning out to be psycho lesbian Ouja was more than a little surprising. Also, teddy bear? You mean Akane? I think her Child was something else.

    ALSO IT'S "Mai-HiME", NEVER "My"

    It's a pun on "dancing princess", right? And there's twelve of them (not counting Alyssa). Oh my...

    wait, no, that doesn't make sense. But well, thirteen, like Ryuki if you count the spinoff movies.

    Anyway, finished everything, except the alternate version of episode 26.


    • Shiho was the "ghostly" HiME, and basically this show's Ryuga. 0_0

    • The way Mai is told to look for what she wants herself reminds me of what happens with Shinji in Ryuki. Although that show did it differently.

    • Shizuru vs. Natsuki was vastly different from the final Ouja vs. Zolda fight, so this show isn't too derivative. And how Natsuki suddenly got a power boost is basically the opposite of what happened with Zolda towards the end.

    • The way the Crystal Princess restored everyone's Childs and brought people from the dead felt a little... forced. But at least the HiMEs managed to solve things out of their own initiative. Ryuki didn't give the Riders that.

    • Apparently, HiME battles have occured throughout history, and so many of them have been sacrificed. A "being HiME is suffering" joke is in order here.

    • What the hell is Nagi, anyway? Know what, I'll just pretend he's a Kyubey who escaped to this universe because he was "different". That makes about as much sense as anything.

    Also, did I see the girl from My-Otome at the end there? Is that version worth watching? I think Mai isn't the main character in that, so maybe the title change made more sense.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Also, did I see the girl from My-Otome at the end there? Is that version worth watching?

    It features Shizuru in a more main role, but other than that, not at all.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know


    Also, Nyaruko Rider W will be airing in Spring.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Is there any plausible theory that Mai-HiME takes any inspiration from The Twelve Dancing Princesses?

    And I think by now, having last seen Mai-HiME over two years ago but having continued to think about Nao and Natsuki as characters anyway, my impression of them has probably been changed significantly from when I first saw them.  And flipping through some Mai-HiME footage seems to suggest that there was a lot more attention to Natsuki being an object of fanservice than I'd like to remember, and there's also far less characterization of Nao (apart from her being a deceptive and mean jackass) than the richer characterization in my head.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Here, There, Everywhere


    Arakawa Under the Bridge, 1-4.

    Bakemonogatari, 1-2.

    Bokurano, 1-5.

    I've been busy... or not busy at all.

  • edited 2013-02-10 13:45:00

    Oh hey, a trailer for an early version of Mai-HiME. Or rather, my:hime. Unlike Fate/stay Night's prototype, this doesn't look like too different from the final product. Just trippy color schemes, in-your-face fanservice, and slightly less effective designs (like a Reito who looks less sinister). Was this released as a DVD bonus or something?

    Is there any plausible theory that Mai-HiME takes any inspiration from The Twelve Dancing Princesses?

    Dunno. Just that "twelve princesses" and "dancing princess" brings my mind to that.

    and there's also far less characterization of Nao (apart from her being a deceptive and mean jackass) than the richer characterization in my head.

    Maybe you're getting confused with some of the alternate versions?

  • edited 2013-02-10 13:45:13

    Thank god they changed the character colours. I also have to point out that this promo trailer is proof that the final version of Natsuki has BLUE hair NOT BLACK. Gee whizz why is it so hard for people to get this grrrrr!!?

    "They changed the colors between this and the actual show.  Therefore, the colors are the same." 

  • edited 2013-02-10 14:06:44

    Natsuki's hair in the proto is black, so I think they meant something else. 'course, YouTube comments...

    The colors there are... trippy. It's somehow more down-to-earth, yet more cartoony at the same time.

  • edited 2013-02-10 22:24:02
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Isn't Natsuki's dark blue hair basically supposed to represent a shiny black hair with a natural bluish tinge anyway?

    That said I'm the kind of person who actually mentally sees Mai as a redhead of European descent...

    @Naas_H_Sapiens: I haven't seen Mai-Otome so I definitely amn't confusing Nao Yuuki with Juliet Nao Zhang.  What I mean is that I've probably added quite a bit of my own characterization to her in the meantime.

    from the imas movie MAL thread:






  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    Zetsuen no Tempest 17: I love this episode, why? I have no oh wait EVERYONE KNOWS WHO AIKA REALLY WAS NOW YESSSSS

    Aside from that revelation, it was a great episode throughout. It's the first time I've cared about all this relationship drama (especially that scene where Aika threatens to shred Yoshino, weird, I know). THe comedy was pretty good too ("Yoshino's no lolicon!") and seriously, thank you Megumu for figuring out what Mahiro should've known ages ago.

    Megumu has become much more likeable than Juunichirou by virtue of the lack of a boob obsession. Wasn't much in the ways of the Tree plot this week and I don't think they'll cover it next week either but I'm good with that.

    AKB0048 Nest Stage 06: This is not the last season of this show, I'm sure of it.

    They figured out yet another way to block story progression, succession! Mimori's succeeding someone (we'll know if it's whoever isn't Acchan next week cause Acchan is Nagisa/Chieri/Yuuko territory). Anyways, succession starts as a fever and you eventually have visions, being in AKB0048 continues to be as scary as heck.

    Apparently camerawoman needs to shave her head, cause she used to succeed Miichan. Though having her be a fallen idol works too :D

    Other stuff, great Nagisa/Yuuko episode, Chieri's been getting a bit too much focus this season. Though Mayuyu didn't sound like herself in the middle as Chieri she pulled through and I'm glad, Karen Iwata is also infinitely better now as Nagisa, she sounds older this season.

    edited 2013-02-11 10:15:09
    Here, There, Everywhere

    Bokurano just keeps getting bleaker. Still, beautiful character writing, not always pitch-perfect but here and there rivalling Fullmetal Alchemist in terms of understated sophistication.

    Also, the ending of episode eight was really touching.

  • edited 2013-02-11 10:30:59

    I haven't seen Mai-Otome so I definitely amn't confusing Nao Yuuki with Juliet Nao Zhang.  What I mean is that I've probably added quite a bit of my own characterization to her in the meantime.

    Oh. But um, what about any of the manga versions?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    That neither.  Didn't even know there was a manga.

  • There's at least two. One has the same title as the anime, and the other is Mai-HiME EXA or something like that.

  • edited 2013-02-11 21:13:27


    Bokurano just keeps getting bleaker. Still, beautiful character writing, not always pitch-perfect but here and there rivaling Fullmetal Alchemist in terms of understated sophistication.

    Also, the ending of episode eight was really touching.

    I think it will be interesting to see whether you think episode 11 matches up. Well, I guess there are a lot of episodes that explore pretty tragic subject matter (especially considering these are middle school kids we are talking about).

    Some people would probably argue that some of it gets a little contrived and overly gloomy, but if you like the show so far, I would be surprised if you completely changed your mind after finishing it. In any event, I look forward to getting your take on the later episodes, especially on some of the fate related stuff.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    And the English translation of Soul Eater has apparently decided to use exclusively male pronouns for Chrona. Damnit translators, you had one job! One job!

  • edited 2013-02-11 22:18:16
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    The thing with English is, there's not really a good gender neutral pronoun to use. It would come off weird and unnatural to call Crona "it" or "they." And confusing to switch between male and female. It's kind of a lose-lose scenario there.
  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Anime club watched Hetalia today. I . . . was not expecting that. I knew it would have to be wacky to have attained its fandom, but wow.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Using exclusively they/them/their isn't weird to read for most people. 

  • You can change. You can.

    Yeah, using they is pretty logical. Especially considering that its used pretty wildly.

  • a little muffled
    I don't mind singular "they" to refer to a generic person but it still feels weird with a specific individual.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    The thing with English is, there's not really a good gender neutral pronoun to use. It would come off weird and unnatural to call Crona "it" or "they." And confusing to switch between male and female. It's kind of a lose-lose scenario there.

    "It comes off as weird and unnatural" isn't a very good reason to apply anything to Chrona.

    A better reason is that it's confusing because Ragnarok also exists within Chrona. But even then, context should explain it.

    And referring to Chrona by a singular gendered pronoun is kind of missing the point, given that a huge part of Chrona's character is that she isn't really one or the other. She's confused and messed up. (And I refer to her as a she because I don't feel like putting in the effort to rewrite all my sentences to say 'they'.)

  • edited 2013-02-12 15:44:57

    Catching up on Ixion Saga DT and just finished episode 12. Mood whiplash much? I really expected the show was gonna go "heheh, just kidding" but nothing really happened throughout the episode. I'm sure the show isn't gonna continue like this, but... damn.

    edit: as of episode 13, everything's back to normal after about 30 seconds. God, this show screws with its audience.

  • edited 2013-02-12 17:55:24
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    That girl in the picture looks like the Gyrozetter girl with the red glasses.  Satori Miwa's the name, I think.

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