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Fast Eddie's communication with the moderators



  • I wouldn't say excessive dickery, dickery sure but it was never anything major. 
  • I remember him saying he was the rebel who didn't abide by the rules, which is apparently as good as breaking them.

    As Stormtroper pointed out, this was quote mined, what he said was "I am the rebel that doesn't play by the rules of the forum", in the context of him complaining about his tastes being at odds with most of the forum's, which is barely a bannable offense. Rallyfan was incredibly dumb, yes, but he never broke many rules, and none of them intentionally. Also, most of his antics were the result of obvious trolling from several other users, not unlike what we see with Chagen these days.
    Personally, I'm just sad we lost such a great source of amusement.

    I thought people did care about Smokie's ban, and begrudgingly seem to agree it was deserved.

    Remember, Smokie was banned twice. Ironically enough, his first ban caused some major uproar (it was probably the first long "Troper X was banned!!!" thread), but most people understood it was perfectly justified, while his second ban (after he was let back in) went mostly without notice, and was significantly more arbitrary: Up to that point, he was behaving, but was banned for posting a mildly explicit picture (accounts have it that it was a stick figure jacking off, how much was shown or implied I don't know). While I thought this was harsh, particularly because there weren't guidelines as to what was the limit of explicitness allowed in pictures in the forum, and this seemed more like a misunderstanding than actual malice, I wouldn't have been against the decision... if some time later people hadn't decided to get significantly more detailed borderline pornographic avatars, to the point of making it a successful theme for a while.

    I wouldn't say excessive dickery, dickery sure but it was never anything major. 

    Again, it's not about it being excessive or not, it was consistently above the (vaguely) established threshold of dickishness tolerance.

    Regarding the topic in the OP, which we seem to have derailed from, while I agree that more communication about these decisions with the rest of the staff would be appropriate (nothing complicated like a ban form just a thread in a mod-only subforum with announcements for this kind of stuff). However, I would say that the mods announcing that they have no idea of what's going on, even if they really don't, is not a very professional (Yes, I know, they're not really professional at all, but it was the most fitting adjective) course of action, since it tends to stir shit up more than it already is.

  • edited 2011-01-15 03:23:40
  • edited 2011-01-15 03:26:28
    Thanks to Tnoph thumping her post, this one no longer makes sense either.
  • Sure is windy in here.
  • I miss Rallyfan. He was honest.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    Rallyfan broke the civility rule repeatedly, actually.  He also sometimes went into threads involving anime avatars and started shit for no obvious reason, which is kinda trollish.

    I recognise that my conduct has been pretty far from professional, a lot of the time.  However, I am not really sure what I or any of the other mods are supposed to do when we're asked a question and Fast Eddie doesn't supply an answer.  Do we just ignore the questions?  Granted, Eddie has gotten better about that.
  • Do we know what-if anything-specifically got Scrye banned? All I know is that his posts in the "What constitutes being a dick" thread were skullfucked (Yes, he was the one who got skullfucked in that thread, seeing as how he was to one who had started posting in it near the start-and actually, the impetus for moving it to OTC from YackFest)
  • edited 2011-01-15 12:15:04
    Because you never know what you might see.
    Only that he, according to Eddie, «thinks trollish, disruptive posts are fun».  Which he kinda does.

    I'd assume it was that thread, although I got a PM from somebody else saying that it wasn't Scrye who got skullfucked there.  So that's a little confusing to me.
  • I can't imagine how it couldn't be-since I KNOW he posted there, and that the troll posts line up with his posts, and that I don't see his posts anymore. Heh.
  • edited 2011-01-15 20:50:25
    I know my only post there near the beginning of the second page got Troll Crushed for implying what the thread was discussing was ultimately going to be exercised on arbitrary whims anyway and would have little relevance.  Well, that or Fast Eddie really doesn't like brief one-off jokes about the German language.

    Scrye probably got SF'ed in there too.
  • ...ly a cunt.

    That too, but he seemed actually incapable of not speaking his mind. He's like a cartoon character. It was interesting.

    And probably his trollability, as well as his trolling, is why he got banned.
  • Semi-thread hop, but I agree that bashing banned tropers and ganging up on others isn't cool.

    ...Damn, I sound like a cheesy 80s-90s sitcom character right now, don't I? But, it's true. If you do have a problem with someone who isn't banned, can't you just PM them about it and try to talk it out in a civil way?
  • Eh. I doubt I'd have a problem if people did the same to me. I think I'd be more curious about what they had to say.
  • Eh. I doubt I'd have a problem if people did the same to me. I think I'd be more curious about what they had to say.

    Same here (not that I actually speak my mind much about others).
  • "Eh. I doubt I'd have a problem if people did the same to me. I think I'd be more curious about what they had to say."

  • a little muffled
    The thing that bugs me the most about Cosmetor was his opposition to the title Literal Split Personality, which I actually consider a pretty dumb title, but since he opposed it by, well, being Cosmetor, he pretty much killed any sympathy that anyone else had for his position.
  • edited 2011-01-19 21:10:43
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I don't remember Cosmetor.  What did he/she do with that rename proposal?
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