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IJBMer Updates



  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    This sounds pretty normal, actually.
  • *exists*


    Still doesn't beat the cocaine Jesus statue.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    With sufficient background noise and unclear speaking, "Monica" and "Madoka" sound alike.
  • I finally started learning image processing (or rather, started doing it in a formal way, as opposed to just messing around in 2D/3D software).

    I also got very interested in the parts of this mechanical vibrations book past the ones I needed to know for my thesis (lagrangian mechanics plus methods for solving some systems of differential equations).

    With that and other stuff I've posted earlier I wonder if I may be trying to learn too many things at the same time. (more like not following the path of least action amirite?)
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Meanwhile I'm a bit overwhelmed by my TA post and trying to keep up with grading that I have dedicated enough time to my research.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Since you've brought up this topic, I'll chime in with what's bugging me at the moment. I've just received the students' opinions. Looks like they liked me, but found me absent-minded. Could have been different experiences for different people. Heh. Especially as two of them could be seen as kinda contradictory. I guess I'm gonna have mixed feelings for a while, although I won't say I didn't recognize myself in some.
  • I've been daydreaming lately with the idea of getting into something related to instructing in engineering topics. It's weird, since I've never saw myself being into it until now. Either way I often hear I'm terrible at explaining things, so it might not work out.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Meanwhile I'm a bit overwhelmed by my TA post and trying to keep up with
    grading that I have dedicated enough time to my research.
    Is IJBM becoming the TAing club or something?
  • edited 2016-03-22 20:12:29

  • I don't think I've ever seen a TA (per the above definition). I know there were flyers for hiring, but all the grading, consulting, etc. was handed by the professors.
  • edited 2016-03-01 03:19:41
    Meanwhile I'm a bit overwhelmed by my TA post and trying to keep up with
    grading that I have dedicated enough time to my research.
    Is IJBM becoming the TAing club or something?
    fwiw I'm one too
  • edited 2016-03-01 05:25:59
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    To my housemate:

    Why are you so anxious to go back to doing whatever it is you're doing that you (presumably) perfunctorily scrape the food off of your plate and then leave the sponge in the sink and leave scraps of food clinging to the side of the sink?
  • Are you going through some oddly specific form of divine punishment
  • Continuing to exist is fun. There are some people in the world who think they can shun me out of existence but they can't.

    I'm single again glenn. I'm near you. Now is your chance to get a girlfriend.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    GlennxRay OTP
  • Folks bitching about cultural marxism because a shop calls easter eggs hidden eggs while still selling a truckload of easter products, and then there's an article crafted based on outraged peeps on Twitter (that site can't die soon enough). A labour party that's fallen out of favour due to neoliberalism cranking out a movie about daily sexism in order to hopefully cash in on that identity politics plank. Welcome to current year. 
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    outraged peeps on Twitter
    I will never stop wondering how Twitter manages to create hordes angry at the most minor issues.

    Also I guess how seriously the media takes it.
  • The medium is perfect for snappy soundbites (which folks with a temper love) and quick live updates of events, which journos/consultants love and they can sell it easily to an audience. Twitter is news because journos are on Twitter, basically. 
  • edited 2016-03-02 16:00:45
    There is love everywhere, I already know
  • edited 2016-03-02 17:15:23
    I've always wondered if cultural marxism has anything to do with ordinary marxism.

    Also, I learned people have made sociological analyses out of brainfuck (and esolangs in general).
  • We summer cultural bridge-building project in MENA region nao, hopefully in a region that doesn't passport clash with IDF border control.  
  • GMH why do you never show up anywhere besides the site anymore?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Naas_Human wrote: »
    GMH why do you never show up anywhere besides the site anymore?

    It's easier to kick myself off of a forum and back to work than it is to kick myself off a chat room.


    Holy shit.  Expected low today: 29 degF (right now actually).  Expected high today: 62 degF.

    71/44 and 75/55 tomorrow and the day after.  If not for the cooler evenings, this would practically be south Florida temperatures, in the Washington DC area.
  • edited 2016-03-07 23:30:47
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Do you know that feeling when you listen to a song, and there's a couple of notes that sound totally like some other tune, yet for the gatdam sake of your own life you can't recall where it came from?

    ...that said, I just recalled the tune I was thinking of. But there was a time when a freaking door's creaking reminded me of the theme from Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Street" (the title of which I didn't know at the time) and it was driving me crazy.

    Perhaps the funniest coincidence is that I heard notes from the soundtrack to Fury (the tank film) while listening to the black metal band Furia. Which means... you guessed it.

  • It's Goroawase: 3 is "sa" (from "san"), 8 is "ya" (from "yatsu"), and "ka" is a counter word for day of the month.
  • Cheerful granny pointing out where the Germs fussiladed some peeps in her youth was the highlight of my day, low point was our spot being overtaken by commie party promoters, a hen party and faith healers at the same time. Personal trainer I wrote up praised the passion I have for my message, which actually means I'm turning into a soulless marketeer for a good cause. This is all very pleasing. 
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I would never expect hens to have their own political party.
  • After a pedo party, a party that demanded the gubbermint should free zero point energy and a party that ranted about Ashkenazi billionaires on television without the local ADL equivalent complaining, you can expect everything. 
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Life sounds more fun in a many-party system.
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