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This week in ink!



  • You can change. You can.

    Iffy things: They seem to have changed Hawkeye's characterization a bit with how casual she was about waking up in space? Did I miss something?

    The YA became actual Avengers and she became...well, Hawkeye. 

    They're really hammering in how young and hip this is. Aside from the Scott Pilgrim cover the scene where Hulking and Wiccan talk like this about being gay boyfriends was embarrassing to read.

    I don't understand why you're complaining about boldening in this comic when Allan Heinberg's comic probably did have a lot of that, considering it's a thing natural to comics. 

    And they've replaced the "Previously" page with a tumblr knockoff which is really bad

    Eh, I thought it was funny, considering half the reason this book is alive is, you know, fandom being vocal on tumblr and Gillen being a tumblrite.

    Then we get to the plot, where Billy is like "Hey, I'll bring back Teddy's mom without the appropriate emotional buildup let alone that this is just first issue." and he's not even a bit concerned when he manages to do it.

    To be fair, resurrecting people in comic books is not exactly hard. Also, I don't see how it being the first issue means that they shouldn't pursue that plot line?

    A Question To You People Who Actually Read A Lot Of Comics: This dimension hopping stuff does make sense right?


    i don't see how it wouldn't

    and i don't see how me reading comics would make it more sensical or what >_>

  • edited 2013-03-02 01:01:22
    There is love everywhere, I already know

    The YA became actual Avengers and she became...well, Hawkeye.

    Yaay there's an entire thing I missed.

    I don't understand why you're complaining about boldening in this comic when Allan Heinberg's comic probably did have a lot of that, considering it's a thing natural to comics.

    I'm not complaining about the boldening, I'm complaining about the hamfisted-ness of the whole scene (and lampshading made it even worse).


    i don't see how it wouldn't

    and i don't see how me reading comics would make it more sensical or what >_>

    I mean specifically when it comes to the Marvel Universe.

    To be fair, resurrecting people in comic books is not exactly hard.

    I did not know this (This is my seventh series of ever, I think)

    Also, I don't see how it being the first issue means that they shouldn't pursue that plot line?

    There's a lack of emotional buildup. Two pages of being vague does not count.

    Eh, I thought it was funny, considering half the reason this book is alive is, you know, fandom being vocal on tumblr and Gillen being a tumblrite.

    I guess I'll get used to it.

  • So is this a good thread to ask for suggestions of comic noob reading material in? I'm honestly considering getting into reading comics (as in from the library, not buying), so I'd be interested in some recommendations of series and other stuff to perhaps start with.

  • You can change. You can.

    Uh, sure, we can rec stuff.

    What are you looking for? superheroes? Not-superheroes? not mainstream superheroes? 

  • edited 2013-03-02 20:40:51

    Any of the above as long as it's interesting, really. It looks like my local library has the complete Sandman series (the Neil Gaiman Sandman, specifically), so would that be a good one to start with?

  • You can change. You can.

    Sandman is a really good entry point. I normally recommend the Vertigo trifecta (Y: The Last Man, Transmetropolitan and Sandman) to anyone getting into comics as a medium and then go from there. 

  • Marvels is a good overview of the Marvel Universe. Invincible is a godsend. 

  • edited 2013-03-04 16:57:51

    Marvels is a good overview of the Marvel Universe. Invincible is a godsend.

    Ya, sorry but I really don't know what you're talking about since those titles and descriptions are a bit too generic (by "Marvels", are you referring to this, this or something else?).

  • edited 2013-03-04 18:07:37

    Yes, when you asked for comic book recommendations and I said "Marvels", I meant the comic book called Marvels, funny that :P


    No but seriously, Marvels is the story of Phil Sheldon, a perfectly normal photographer who lives in the Marvel Universe (Where Spider-Man, the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Avengers and several others takes place). It features his photography career as he meets numerous superheroes from the point of view of an Average Joe.


    Invincible is a comic from Image, by Robert Kirkman (the fellow who created the Walking Dead), Invincible is the story of Mark Grayson, a young man who's father is a superhero. Mark ends up getting powers just like his dad and follows in the family business. The series basically takes every single superhero trope and picks them apart.


    Skullkickers is pretty good too AND every issue is free online!


    Other good comics for "Beginners"; Superman: Secret Identity, Superman: For All Seasons, Batman: Year One, Batman: The Man Who Laughs, Batman: Dark Victory, Irredeemable Ant-Man, the current Captain Marvel, The Walking Dead, Irredeemable, Ultimate Spider-Man.

  • edited 2013-03-04 18:09:26
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    wait nevermind

  • edited 2013-03-05 13:18:45

    Words about Marvels and so on

    Alright, thanks for explaining that.

    Unfortunately, it would appear that the library has almost none of your recommended materials, and what little it does have (read: Ultimate Spider-Man) is fragmentary and confusingly labeled.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Libraries almost never have comic books in any comprehensive format except really huge libraries. For instance the library near me has four random issues of some Superman book and two volumes of an old Gundam manga, and that's it.

  • My library has a whole bookshelf of comic books. 

    It's not arranged in any comprehensible way, but there are quite a bit of comics.

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    So... Who will be our Guinea Pig who suffers through Age of Ultron?
  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Comic Recs

    Do you like Supernatural? Do you like Pulla Magi Madoka Magica? Do you like comics? Do you have a pulse? If so, I have the comic for you - Alabaster Wolves.

    Describing it as the bastard child of Supernatural and Madoka is a quick and easy way to get to the gist of the book. Alabaster Wolves is about a teenage girl, Dancy Flammarion who is being guided across the southern US to kill monsters by a horrific angel. Or rather that’s her backstory. The book itself is about what happens when Dancy’s weariness of being the angel’s tool and the unending violence get to her and she stumbles out of the angel’s graces in a ghost town full of werewolves. The art is appropriately horrific and strained to set the tone, but it doesn’t shy away from using a bright palate when the story calls for it.

    Plus it’s a six issue mini. Short and sweet and self contained. Give it a look if it sounds like your thing.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Will absolutely have to check that out.

  • I'll do it.

    I wanna know how the hell they think they can pull this off.

  • I'll be reading Age of Ultron, so I'll post updates here. 

  • I'm on the train now to my local store to pick up Age of Ultron, and I just wanna explain some bias I may have;


    I LOVE Ultron, and I LOVE apocalypse stories so having Ultron at the center of an apocalypse story may sway my opinion somewhat. I also quite like Bendis, I mean he's proven that he's not that good at BIG, SWEEPING EVENTS, but his small scale, character focused stuff is brilliant and I'm hoping to see some of that in this series!

  • I was letdown with this. I don't think Bendis is good at starting stories in medias res. There was a distinctive lack of Hank Pym for this being an Ultron story and I wasn't sure if it was meant to be Peter Parker or Superior Spider-Man in this issue. 

  • @Alkthash Is there anything about it that's better than Madoka Magica? Doesn't need to be overall better, I'm just wondering if there's an aspect of it that's done better. This is important.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Well... it shows the weariness that goes with isolation and constant violence in a more subdued manner than Sayaka and Homura's respective breakdowns did. Dancy's Angel manages to be a bit more otherworldly than Kyubey because it doesn't talk all the time and it's not exactly clear why it wants her to kill monsters. 

  • edited 2013-03-22 00:55:21

    So Age of Ultron.

    It's not good. You know, I think Bendis has a spreadsheet where he puts the names of characters and next to it is how he's going to do subvert icons of their identity.

    "Hey, Cap's shield is a symbol, right? Let's shatter it! Hey, Stark wears armor, right! Let's make it so that he can't. Widow's a spy who's really good at seduction? Let's make her disfigured! Yup, that's going to be great!"

    But in other news, The Private Eye by Brian K. Vaugn is quite interesting, some kind of future-noir set in a not-too-distant-future where the internet collapsed and privacy is the highest social law, following a paparazzi who gets tangled in a crime. It's pay-what-you-want and is made entirely online, for the .cbr reader softwares, right here.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    >mfw The New Teen Titans predicted the video game crash

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Want fun stuff like that? Try reading Global Frequency.

    Man I wish there were more comics like Global Frequency. A big high concept idea that lets you do a ton of one shot stories.
  • You can change. You can.




    - shoves planetary into the faces of people -

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    You know what's a great chaser for Planetary? Global Frequency.


    But I wouldn't call them similar for the high concept oneshots. I mean Planetary had a lot of oneshot adventures, but they all kinda linked together for Snow and crew to stop the 4. Global Frequency was about the Agency responding to a new emergency of sci fi tech and swearing adults. 

  • You can change. You can.

    Well, I mean, Planetary's first half does play out as Global Frequency and I suspect that if it pleased the Ellis, he could have done something similar to what he did with Global Frequency.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Damn it, there's too much stuff I need to read.

    Anyway, just finished The Judas Contract. This series is really good.

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