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The General understanding of Libertarianism.



  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Okay, I think you're failing to see something.

    Just because something does not explicitly say that it is controlling you, does not mean it does not control you.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
  • ^ Well on that note i'm out.
  • edited 2011-05-30 20:57:38
    What part of it being hardwired into us aren't you understanding? Group mentality is programmed into our brains at the most fundamental levels. 

    Living without society is literally not an option. 

    Right, let's break this down to the most basic level. You, being human, are living in a group in order to survive. As such you divide up the various things that you need to do between all of you. Eventually one person fails to perform their duties. 

    What do you do?

    EDIT: Thank you for that excellent link Cygan. I'm gonna keep that one bookmarked for linking to in conversations like this in future. 
  • say "fuck it" and kill myself if liberty and individualism is an impossible goal what's the point?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    No worries, Fargle.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Well, for starters, it's a lot more fun to be able to interact with people and to chat with others--such as here in this very forum--than to be stuck alone, in a societyless world.
  • You can change. You can.
    Also, man can't live on his own. 
  • The point is living. The entire point of your existence is living. Everything that you consist of is built for the purpose of living. Every cell, every electrical spark in your brain is constructed entirely for the purpose of being alive and keeping you alive. 
  • edited 2011-05-30 21:02:00
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Don't forget passing on your genes. 
  • And why do we pass on our genes and reproduce? So a part of us can keep living. The whole point of reproduction is to make sure that a part of what makes you up keeps on going. 
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    To make other people live~
  • GL: ew...

    Fargle: Life without liberty is essentially empty.
  • No Tnu it isn't. Life without liberty is just life without liberty. An abstract concept dreamed up by some monkeys who got far enough up the food chain that they had enough time left over from not getting themselves killed that they started dreaming. 

    Liberty is an abstract. It does not exist. 
  • edited 2011-05-30 21:06:34
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    No, it's not.

    ^ That.
  • Then what's the point? Procreation is disgusting and frankly quite unnverting. your notion that liberty is irrelevent that we should not try to achieve freedom is uqite scary.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Liberty is an abstract. It does not exist.
    I wouldn't go that far.

    But one thing liberty isn't is all-or-nothing. Not having specific rights is not the same as not having freedom at all.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Well, that's what it is.

    Now, if you want to have a good government to justify the execution of said liberties properly, then do that. It just tends to be difficult, because power corrupts. 
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Your philosophical ideals are your own choice.

    Ideas do not exist in nature.  They are an understanding, a perspective, created by human minds.
  • which is why the state is evil I trust it ever so slightly less then a business.
  • You can change. You can.
    Um...explain how that works...
  • the thing is I don't trust any of them really anything too big or too orginized si subject to corruption.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    To clarify my statement, I wasn't objecting to the "liberty is an abstract" part so much as to the "it doesn't exist."
  • edited 2011-05-30 21:14:33
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^^ Then I guess you shouldn't trust anyone, and we should all live in caves and draw in the mud with sticks. 

    Look, will I distrust anything or anyone that may be engaged in less-than-decent tactics? Yes. That does not mean all large groups are inherently untrustworthy. 
  • Evil is an idea, evil is abstract. There is no black and white when it comes to morality. There is no grand arbiter, no universal good. Nothing is inherently evil, not government, not business, not humanity. 
  • Yet another reason why I don't go out. Everything is a broken mess people are all but willing to be sheep to a government and sacrifice essential liberty for any amount of temporary security.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Everything is a broken mess
    I can't agree with you there. While society may not be ideal, it definitely functions.
  • edited 2011-05-30 21:19:53
    Again with the "Essential Liberty" thing. Allow me to repeat it once more. 


  • most people advocating tyranny of the left and right are perfectly willign to sacrifice essential liberty for not only themselves but everyone else for some misguided sense of the ends justifying the means.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    How can you sacrifice something that means different things to different people?
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