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The General understanding of Libertarianism.



  • What line of thought? Also what od you expect from me? I honestly don't think such a world is worth the toruble. You people may think so but I fail to see how it could be.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    You want a world where everybody is free to do what they want without interfering in others' lives.

    This is grossly unrealistic, I am sorry to say.
  • then life has no value. if the goal is so unattainable why bother?
  • edited 2011-06-01 10:12:59
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Would bleak oblivion be any better?

    After all, not even a measure of good can survive there.

    A flawed world without true good is still inherently superior to a world in which you are unable to feel even this lesser good.
  • Because value, like good and evil is entirely subjective. 
  • I was never able to put up with a flawed world actually I just couldn't wrap my brain around it ever.  even the smallest things invoked the most furious reactions in me never able to cope with things.
  • Which is why we're here trying to talk some perspective into you. 

    What you're talking about is a Utopia Tnu. Utopia is a fundamental impossibility. You need to accept that and move on. 
  • *twitch*

    ... WHAT?!
    Hold on... Why are there bans for encouraging suicide?
    Is that because it is illegal?
    Irrespective of the fact that it being illegal is absurd beyond words.

    ... Can we also have the opposite enforced then? Bans for discouraging it?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Then learn to cope. Or else learn to live with an unflawed, cold, uncaring oblivion in which you will never again feel happiness.

    Your choice ^_^
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Is that because it is illegal?

    Yes. Also, because it's a really dick move. I don't care of your personal preferences here; on this forum we do not encourage suicide. If you want to encourage suicide, GO AWAY.
  • ... Thor-damned vitophiles. -_-;
    If I could get only one thing changed in the law... I want the right to die.
  • Let's not derail this thread with the Euthanasia debate. Make another thread about it. 
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    I don't care.

    You are not going to try and encourage suicide here. Ever.
  • @Cygan: Quite right. I wouldn't stand for it either. 
  • Yeah yeah. I know. The usual brand of unavoidable oppression. The overly prevalent Stockholm Syndrome for the hostage situation that is life. I'm all too familiar with it by now. I know it. I don't like it. WILL NEVER LIKE IT, but I know it, and I will comply.
    I just hope the topic can be avoided altogether... as anti-suicide stuff just winds me up the wrong way to the Nth degree.

    So... where was I?
    Ah yes.... how to survive in Antarctica...

  • edited 2011-06-01 10:33:30
    Diet NEET
    That said, people who bring up contemplation of an heroing as a pity ploy on the internet deserve the same scorn as those who go 'lol an hero faggt'.
  • You can commit suicide all you damn well want Soti. It's your life and if you want to jump ship and embrace non-existence then that's up to you. 

    My problem is with trying to pressure other people to do it. 
  • Well there's no point in me syaing it Fargle already said it.

    Cygan: Why? why cope wiht a system that I despise? If a free society is an impossible goal I see no alternatives.
  • edited 2011-06-01 10:40:45
    Diet NEET
    I can think of a myriad of reasons that you'll probably argue against, but this one will probably be the only one to hit home: you wouldn't want to do that to your mother, committing suicide on her.
  • The alternative is to accept that things aren't perfect and never will be. To make the best out of what you have instead of pining over what you never will. 
  • edited 2011-06-01 10:42:47
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Then whatever.

    Oblivion or flawed world. They're your only practical choices.

    ^,^^ Those two said it better.
  • For fuck sake, can we just shut up about it already?
  • This is your first time in one of Tnu's threads isn't it?
  • edited 2011-06-01 11:04:46
    Diet NEET
    Good point, this is only giving in to the pity ploy.

    So, how 'bout dem Ayn Ranters?
  • No, but what I want to shut up is not Tnu's rather amusing take on liberty... but rather the whole discussion about suicide, how much folk hate those who encourage it, and how much everyone circle-jerks over life. We don't need a suicide discussion here. Let whatever happens happen... We don't need to discuss it here.
    Can't Tnu and co just go back to arguing about workers, robots and how he wants to have police protection but not pay taxes..... and I'll resume trying to figure out how I'd survive in Antarctica.
    I'm sick and tired of serious business.
    I don't do serious business.
    How the hell am I supposed to maintain my Cloud Cuckooland Passport when serious business starts flying about like this?

    And the answer to the question:  I'd bring a Taun-Taun and hide in its corpse to stay warm.
  • Why do you assume we were being serious and not sarcastic? I drop links on /adv/ pointing to painless-suicide manuals daily, true story.
  • What in the hell is a Taun-Taun? Also, it's corpse isn't going to stay warm forever. It's Antarctica.
  • Ok fine... the accepted syntax is "Tauntaun". No need to be so picky.  =(
    And... Tauntauns are for riding on and being warm inside when dead (also smelly). That is what they do.

  • No, really, I'm not being picky. What is it? It sounds like something from  Star Wars. 
  • Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back... actually.

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